Diese Seite dokumentiert alle Typen von Markern, die derzeit auf den dynamischen Karten verwendet werden können.
Verwendung der Typen
[Bearbeiten]Die Vorlagen erwarten immer die englischen Typenbezeichnungen. Im Marker sind daher diese zu verwenden. Nur der VCard-Editor bietet deutsche Bezeichnungen, die aber beim Speichern des Datensatzes in die englische Bezeichnungen umgewandelt werden.
[Bearbeiten]Folgende Typen sind für {{Marker}} und {{VCard}} derzeit verfügbar:
Die erste Spalte enthält die deutschen Übersetzungen, die zweite die zugehörige Gruppe und die dritte den eigentlichen englischen Namen, wie er in die Vorlage eingetragen wird.
Beschriftung | Gruppe | Typ |
Akademie | other | academy |
Aktivität | do | do |
Altar | religion | altar |
Altstadt | see | old town |
Amphitheater | see | amphitheater |
Anderes | other | other |
Anreise | go | go |
Antiquariat | buy | antiquarian |
Apotheke | health | pharmacy |
Apotheken-Notdienst | health | pharmacy on standby duty |
Appartement-Hotel | sleep | appartment |
Aquädukt | see | aqueduct |
Aquapark, Wasserpark | do | water park |
Aquarium | nature | aquarium |
Arbeit | other | work |
Archäologische Stätte | see | archaeological site |
Architektur | see | architecture |
Archiv | see | archive |
Arena | do | arena |
Ärztehaus, Poliklinik | health | health center |
Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst | health | medical on-call service |
Arztpraxis | health | doctor |
Attraktion | do | attraction |
Ausbildung | other | education |
Ausfahrt, Auffahrt, Anschlussstelle, Autobahnkreuz | go | motorway junction |
Aussichtspunkt | view | viewpoint |
Aussichtsturm | view | observation tower |
Ausstellung | see | exhibition |
Autoverleih, Autovermietung | go | car rental |
Autowerkstatt | go | car repair |
Bach | nature | stream |
Bäckerei | buy | bakery |
Backhaus | see | bakehouse |
Badehaus, Hammam | do | public bath |
Badminton | do | badminton |
Bahai-Tempel | religion | bahai temple |
Bahnhof, Haltepunkt | go | rail |
Ballonfahren | do | ballooning |
Bank, Geldwesen | buy | bank |
Bar | drink | bar |
Barfußpfad | do | barefoot path |
Basilika | religion | basilica |
Basketballfeld | do | basketball court |
Bauernhof, Gut | nature | farm |
Baum | nature | tree |
Beachvolleyball | do | beachvolleyball |
Bed & Breakfast | sleep | bnb |
Berg | nature | mountain |
Bergbaumuseum | see | mining museum |
Berghütte | sleep | alpine hut |
Bergsteigen | do | mountaineering |
Bergwandern | do | mountain hiking |
Bergwerk, Mine | see | mine |
Bett und Bike | sleep | bed and bike |
Biergarten | drink | beer garden |
Bildmotiv | view | scenic view |
Bildstock | religion | wayside shrine |
Billiard | do | billiards |
Bistro | eat | bistro |
Blumenladen | buy | florist |
BMX | do | bmx |
Bobsport | do | bobsleigh |
Bogenschießen | do | archery |
Boot-Sharing, Boot-Charter | go | boat sharing |
Bootsfahrt, Schiffstour | go | boat trip |
Bootssport | do | canoe |
Bootsverleih | do | boat rental |
Botanischer Garten | nature | botanical garden |
Botschaft | other | embassy |
Bouldern, Klettern | do | bouldering |
Boules | do | boules |
Boutique | buy | boutique |
Bowling | do | 10pin |
Brasserie | eat | brasserie |
Brauerei | drink | brewery |
Brennerei | drink | distillery |
Brücke | see | bridge |
Brunnen | see | well |
Bücherei | other | library |
Bücherschrank | other | bookcase |
Buchhandlung | buy | book seller |
Bucht | nature | bay |
Buddha-Statue | religion | buddharupa |
Bungeespringen | do | bungee jumping |
Bunker | see | bunker |
Burg | see | castle |
Büro | other | office |
Bushaltestelle | go | bus |
Cabaret, Kabarett, Musiktheater | do | cabaret |
Cafeteria | eat | cafeteria |
Café, Kaffeehaus | eat | cafe |
Campingplatz, Zeltplatz | sleep | campsite |
Canyon, Schlucht | nature | canyon |
Canyoning | do | canyoning |
Caravan-Campingplatz | sleep | caravan site |
Carsharing | go | car sharing |
Chalet, Ferienhaus | sleep | chalet |
Club | drink | club |
Coworking Space | other | coworking space |
Cricket | do | cricket |
Defibrillator | health | defibrillator |
Deich | nature | dyke |
Dekompressionskammer | health | diving chamber |
Delfinarium | nature | dolphinarium |
Denkmal | see | memorial |
Diskothek | drink | discotheque |
Distrikt | area | district |
Dorf | populated | village |
Drogerie | buy | chemist |
Düne | nature | dune |
Duty-Free-Geschäft | buy | duty-free shop |
Ecolodge | sleep | ecolodge |
Edutainment | do | edutainment |
Einkaufen | buy | buy |
Einkaufsstraße | buy | shopping street |
Einkaufsviertel | buy | shopping district |
Einkaufszentrum, Mall | buy | mall |
Eisbahn | do | ice rink |
Eisdiele | eat | ice cream |
Eishockey | do | ice hockey |
Eislaufen | do | ice skating |
Eissporthalle | do | ice stadium |
Ereignis, Veranstaltung | do | event |
Erste Hilfe | health | first aid |
Extremsport | do | extreme sports |
Fabrik | see | factory |
Fähranleger | go | ferry |
Fahrradladen | buy | bike shop |
Fahrradparkplatz | go | bicycle parking |
Fahrradverleih | go | bicycle rental |
Fallschirmspringen | do | parachuting |
Fastfood, Schnellrestaurant | eat | fast food |
Fehler | error | error |
Feinkostladen | buy | delicatessen |
Felsbild | see | rock art |
Felsen | nature | rock |
Feriensiedlung | populated | holiday resort |
Ferienwohnung | sleep | holiday flat |
Fernsehturm, Fernmeldeturm | see | communication tower |
Festspiele | do | festival |
Festung, Fort | see | fort |
Feuchtgebiet | nature | wetland |
Feuertempel | religion | fire temple |
Feuerwehr | other | fire brigade |
Fischen, Angeln | do | fishing |
Fischrestaurant | eat | fish restaurant |
Fischteich | nature | fish pond |
Fitnessstudio | do | fitness center |
Fjord | nature | fjord |
Flohmarkt | buy | flea market |
Flüchtlingscamp | populated | refugee camp |
Fluchtspiel, Escape Game | do | escape game |
Fluggesellschaft | go | airline |
Flughafen | go | airport |
Flughafendienst | go | airport service |
Flurkreuz, Wegkreuz | religion | wayside cross |
Fluss | nature | river |
Flussmündung | nature | river mouth |
Fotogeschäft | buy | photo store |
Freibad | do | outdoor pool |
Freilichtmuseum | see | open air museum |
Freizeitpark | do | amusement park |
Freizeitzentrum | do | leisure center |
Fremdenführer | other | guide |
Friedhof, Nekropole | see | cemetery |
Friseur | buy | hairdresser |
Fundbüro | other | lost and found |
Furt | go | ford |
Fußball | do | soccer |
Fußballfeld | do | football pitch |
Fußgängerzone | see | pedestrian |
Galerie | see | gallery |
Garten | nature | garden |
Gartenbau, Gärtnerei | nature | horticulture |
Gästehaus | sleep | guest house |
Gebäude | see | building |
Gebäudekomplex, Bauwerkgruppe | see | building complex |
Gebirge | nature | mountain range |
Gebirgspass | nature | mountain pass |
Gebirgszug | nature | mountain chain |
Gebrauchtwarenladen | buy | second hand |
Geisterstadt | see | ghost town |
Geldautomat, Bankomat | buy | atm |
Gemeinde | populated | municipality |
Gemeindezentrum | other | community center |
Gemeinschaftsküche, Langar | eat | community kitchen |
Gepäckaufbewahrung | go | left luggage |
Gericht, Tribunal | do | court |
Geschäft, Laden, Shop | buy | shop |
Gestüt | nature | stud |
Gesundheit | health | health |
Getränkegeschäft | buy | beverages |
Gewerbegebiet | buy | business park |
Geysir | nature | geyser |
Gipfel | nature | summit |
Gipfelkreuz | religion | summit cross |
Gletscher | nature | glacier |
Golf (Bucht) | nature | gulf |
Golf (Sport) | do | golf |
Grab | see | grave |
Grabkammer | see | tomb |
Gradierwerk | see | graduation tower |
Greifvogelschau, Freiflugvorführung | do | falconry display |
Grenzkontrolle | go | border control |
Grillplatz | eat | grill site |
Gruppenunterkunft | sleep | group accomodation |
Gurdwara | religion | gurdwara |
Gymnasium | other | gymnasium |
Habitat | nature | habitat |
Hafen | go | harbor |
Halbinsel | nature | peninsula |
Halle | see | hall |
Hallenbad | do | indoor pool |
Handwerk, Kunsthandwerk | see | handicraft |
Handwerksgeschäft | buy | crafts shop |
Haus | see | house |
Heilbad, Spa, Wellnesscenter | do | spa |
Heiligenhäuschen | religion | chapel shrine |
Heiligtum | religion | sanctuary |
Herberge, Hostel | sleep | hostel |
Hindutempel | religion | hindu temple |
historisches Gebiet | see | historic district |
Hochebene, Plateau | nature | plateau |
Hochschule, College | other | college |
Hofladen | buy | farm shop |
Höhle | nature | cave |
Hotel garni | sleep | hotel garni |
Hotel | sleep | hotel |
Hotline | other | hotline |
Hubschrauberlandeplatz, Heliport | go | heliport |
Hügel | nature | hill |
Hundezone, Hundewiese | nature | dog park |
Hütte | sleep | hut |
Imbissstand, Food-counter, Würstelstand | eat | snack bar |
Industriepark | buy | industrial park |
Insel | nature | island |
Institut | other | institute |
Internatsschule | other | boarding school |
Internetcafé | other | internet cafe |
Izakaya-Restaurant | eat | izakaya |
Jagd | do | hunting |
Jugendherberge | sleep | youth hostel |
Jugendzentrum | do | youth center |
Juwelier | buy | jewellery |
Kai, Schiffsanleger, Kaje | go | quay |
Kanal | nature | canal |
Kanone | see | cannon |
Kantine, Mensa | eat | canteen |
Kap | nature | cape |
Kapelle | religion | chapel |
Karaoke | do | karaoke |
Kartsport | do | karting |
Käserei | buy | cheesery |
Kaserne | see | barracks |
Kathedrale | religion | cathedral |
Kegeln | do | 9pin |
Keller | see | cellar |
Kellerei | drink | winery |
Kinder | other | children |
Kindergarten | other | kindergarten |
Kinderkrippe | other | nursery |
Kino, Filmtheater | do | cinema |
Kiosk | buy | kiosk |
Kirche | religion | church |
Kitesurfen | do | kitesurfing |
Kleinstadt | populated | town |
Klippe | nature | cliff |
Kloster, Abtei | religion | monastery |
Kneipe | drink | pub |
Kneipp-Anlage | health | kneipp facility |
Kochkurs | other | cooking class |
Konditorei, Feinbäckerei | buy | pastry shop |
Konsulat | other | consulate |
Kontrollpunkt | other | checkpoint |
Konzerthaus | do | concert hall |
Kosmetik | buy | cosmetics shop |
Kraftwerk, Energie | see | power |
Krankenhaus, Spital | health | hospital |
Krater | nature | crater |
Krematorium | see | crematorium |
Kreuzung | go | junction |
Kriegsgrab | see | war grave |
Krokodilfarm | nature | crocodile farm |
Küche, Essen | eat | eat |
Kulturerbe | see | cultural heritage |
Kulturorganisation | other | cultural organisation |
Kulturzentrum | do | cultural center |
Kunstwerk | see | artwork |
Kunstzentrum | do | arts center |
Küste | nature | coast |
Labor | health | laboratory |
Ladestation, Stromtankstelle | go | charging station |
Lagune | nature | lagoon |
Lak Müang | religion | lak mueang |
Land, Staat | area | country |
Landeplatz | go | landing site |
Landgut, Domäne, Rittergut | see | domain |
Landschaft | nature | landscape |
Landwirtschaft | eat | agriculture |
Laufsport | do | running |
Lebensmittel | eat | food |
Lebensmittelladen | buy | grocery |
Leichtathletikanlage | do | athletics track |
Leuchtturm, Bake, Seezeichen | see | lighthouse |
Light-Railway-Station | go | light railway |
Liste | other | list |
Listung | other | listing |
Mangrove | nature | mangrove |
Markt | buy | market |
Massagesalon | do | massage |
Mauer | see | wall |
Mausoleum | see | mausoleum |
Mautstation | go | toll station |
Meer, Ozean | nature | sea |
Meerenge | nature | strait |
Mehrzweckhalle | do | multi-purpose hall |
Messe, Handelsmesse | do | fair |
Metzgerei, Fleischerei | buy | butchery |
Mikwe | religion | mikveh |
Militär | other | military |
Minarett | religion | minaret |
Minigolf | do | minigolf |
Mobilfunkgeschäft | other | mobile telephony |
Modeladen, Bekleidungsgeschäft | buy | fashion store |
Monorail-Station | go | monorail |
Monument | see | monument |
Moschee | religion | mosque |
Motel | sleep | motel |
Motocross | do | motocross |
Motorradverleih | go | motorbike rental |
Mountainbikesport | do | mountain biking |
Mühle | see | mill |
Museum | see | museum |
Museumsbahn, Museumseisenbahn | do | heritage railway |
Museumsschiff | see | museum ship |
Musikdarbietung | do | music |
Musikgeschäft | buy | music shop |
Nachtclub | drink | nightclub |
Nähe, nahe Umgebung | area | vicinity |
Nationalpark | nature | national park |
Natur | nature | nature |
Naturerbe | nature | natural heritage |
Naturheilkunde | health | naturopathy |
Naturschutzgebiet | nature | nature reserve |
Nonnenkloster | religion | nunnery |
Notaufnahme, Notfallstation | health | emergency |
Notruf | other | emergency call |
Oase | nature | oasis |
Obelisk | see | obelisk |
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel | go | public transport |
Opernhaus | do | opera house |
Optiker | buy | optician |
Organisation | other | organisation |
Orientierungslauf | do | orienteering |
Ortsteil einer Gemeinde | populated | fraction |
Outdoor-Händler | buy | outdoor retailer |
Outlet, Fabrikverkauf | buy | outlet |
Pagode | religion | pagoda |
Paläontologische Stätte | nature | palaeontological site |
Palast | see | palace |
Pannenhilfe, Unfallhilfe | other | roadside assistance |
Paragliding | do | paragliding |
Park | nature | park |
Parkhaus | go | parking garage |
Parkplatz | go | parking |
Passstelle | other | passport office |
Pavillon, Gartenlaube | see | pavilion |
Pension | sleep | boarding house |
Pferderennen | do | horse racing |
Pflegeheim | health | nursing home |
Picknick | do | picnic |
Pier, Schiffsanleger | go | pier |
Pizzeria | eat | pizzeria |
Planetarium | see | planetarium |
Plantage | nature | plantation |
Platz | see | square |
Polizei | other | police |
Polo | do | polo |
Postamt | other | post |
Promenade | see | promenade |
Puppentheater | do | puppet theater |
Pyramide | see | pyramid |
Quad-Bike | do | quad bike |
Quelle | nature | spring |
Radfahren | do | cycling |
Radrennbahn | do | velodrome |
Radwanderweg | do | bicycle route |
Radweg | go | cycle track |
Rafting | do | rafting |
Raststätte, Autohof | go | service area |
Rathaus | see | town hall |
Regierungsgebäude | other | government |
Region | area | region |
Rehabilitation, Rehaklinik, Kurklinik | health | rehabilitation |
Reisebüro | other | travel agency |
Reiseveranstalter | other | tour operator |
Reiten | do | horse riding |
Religiöse Stätte | religion | religion |
Rennbahn | do | racetrack |
Resort | sleep | resort |
Restaurant, Gaststätte, Lokal | eat | restaurant |
Rettungsdienst, Notfallrettung | health | emergency medical services |
Rettungsstation | health | rescue center |
Riff | nature | reef |
Rodelbahn | do | toboggan |
Rodeln | do | sledding |
Rollsport | do | roller skating |
Rudern | do | rowing |
Ruine | see | ruins |
S-Bahn-Station, Vorortbahnstation | go | suburban rail |
Sammlergeschäft | buy | collector shop |
Sammlung | see | collection |
Sandboarding | do | sandboarding |
Säule, Gedenksäule | see | column |
Sauna, Dampfbad | do | sauna |
Schießstand, Schießplatz | do | shooting range |
Schiff | go | ship |
Schifffahrtsgesellschaft, Reederei | go | shipping company |
Schiffshebewerk | see | boat lift |
Schiffsschleuse, Schleuse | see | lock |
Schloss | see | chateau |
Schnorcheln | do | snorkeling |
Schrein | religion | shrine |
Schuhladen | buy | shoe shop |
Schule | other | school |
Schutzgebiet | nature | protected area |
Schwimmbad | do | swimming pool |
Schwimmen | do | swimming |
Scooter, Motorroller, Tretroller | go | scooter |
See, Teich | nature | lake |
Seefisch-Restaurant, Meeresfrüchte-Restaurant | eat | seafood restaurant |
Segelflug | do | gliding |
Segeln | do | sailing |
Sehenswürdigkeit | see | see |
Seilbahn | go | aerialway |
Seilgarten, Kletterpark | do | ropes course |
Senke | nature | depression |
Shintō-Schrein | religion | shinto shrine |
Shuttlebus-Service | go | shuttle bus service |
Siedlung | populated | settlement |
Skatepark | do | skatepark |
Ski Alpin, Abfahrt | do | downhill |
Ski Nordisch | do | nordic |
Skischule | do | ski school |
Skispringen | do | ski jumping |
Skitour | do | skitour |
Snowpark | do | snow park |
Sommerrodelbahn | do | summer toboggan |
Souvenirgeschäft, Andenkenladen | buy | souvenir shop |
Spielbank, Casino | do | casino |
Spielplatz | do | playground |
Spirituosengeschäft | buy | alcohol shop |
Sport | do | sports |
Sportgeschäft | buy | sports shop |
Sportstätte | do | sports venue |
Sprachschule | other | language school |
Springbrunnen | see | fountain |
Squash | do | squash |
Stadion | do | stadium |
Stadt | populated | city |
Stadtmauer | see | city wall |
Stadtstrand | do | city beach |
Stadtteil | populated | quarter |
Stadtzentrum, Stadtkern | see | city center |
Stall | nature | animal stable |
Standesamt | other | register office |
Standseilbahnstation | go | funicular |
Station | go | station |
Statue, Skulptur | see | statue |
Staudamm | see | embankment dam |
Stausee | nature | reservoir |
Stauwehr | see | weir |
Steakhaus | eat | steak house |
Steinbruch | see | quarry |
Stele | see | stele |
Steppe | nature | steppe |
Sternwarte | see | observatory |
Stierkampfarena | do | bullring |
Stolperstein | see | stolperstein |
Strand | do | beach |
Straße | see | road |
Straßenbahnhaltestelle, Tramhaltestelle | go | tram |
Street Food | eat | street food |
Stupa | religion | stupa |
Supermarkt | buy | supermarket |
Surfen | do | surfing |
Synagoge | religion | synagogue |
Tagungs- oder Konferenzzentrum | do | conference center |
Take-away | eat | takeaway |
Tal | nature | valley |
Talsperre | see | dam |
Tankstelle | go | fuel |
Tauchbasis | do | dive center |
Tauchen | do | scuba diving |
Tauchplatz, Tauchgebiet | nature | dive site |
Taverne | eat | tavern |
Taxistand | go | taxi |
technisches Denkmal | see | technical monument |
Teehaus | eat | teahouse |
Telefon | other | phone |
Tempel | religion | temple |
Tennisplatz | do | tennis |
Teppichgeschäft | buy | carpet shop |
Terminal | go | terminal |
Theater | do | theater |
Themenpark | do | theme park |
Themenreisen | do | themed travel |
Thermalquelle | nature | hot spring |
Ticketverkauf | buy | ticket shop |
Tierarzt | health | veterinary |
Tierbeobachtung | do | wildlife observation |
Tierklinikum | health | animal hospital |
Toiletten | other | toilet |
Tor | see | gate |
Tour, Rundfahrt | do | tour |
Tourismusbehörde | other | tourism authority |
Touristinformation, Besucherzentrum, Fremdenverkehrsamt | other | tourist information |
Trampolinpark | do | trampoline park |
Triathlon | do | triathlon |
Trinken | drink | drink |
Trinkhalle | drink | drinking hall |
Trinkwasser | drink | drinking water |
Tumulus, Hügelgrab | see | tumulus |
Tunnel | go | tunnel |
Turm | see | tower |
U-Bahn-Station | go | subway |
Umgebung | area | surroundings |
Universität | other | university |
Unterhaltung | do | entertainment |
Unterkunft | sleep | sleep |
Unternehmen | other | company |
Unterstand | other | shelter |
Veranstaltungszentrum | do | event venue |
Verkaufsautomat | buy | vending machine |
Verwaltung, Behörde, Amt | other | administration |
Verwaltungseinheit 1. Ebene | area | adm1st |
Verwaltungseinheit 2. Ebene | area | adm2nd |
Verwaltungseinheit 3. Ebene | area | adm3rd |
Viadukt | see | viaduct |
Vogelbeobachtung | do | bird watching |
Volkshochschule | other | folk high school |
Vulkan | nature | volcano |
Wahrzeichen | see | landmark |
Wakeboarding | do | wakeboarding |
Wald | nature | forest |
Wallfahrtsort | religion | pilgrimage site |
Wandern | do | hiking |
Wanderweg | do | trail |
Warenhaus, Kaufhaus | buy | department store |
Warteraum, Wartesaal | go | waiting room |
Wäscherei | other | laundry |
Wasserbauwerk | see | hydraulic structure |
Wasserfall, Katarakt | nature | waterfall |
Wassermühle | see | watermill |
Wasserski | do | water skiing |
Wassersport | do | water sports |
Wassersportgeschäft | buy | watersports shop |
Wat | religion | wat |
Weblink | other | weblink |
Wechselstube | buy | currency exchange |
Wegpunkt | go | waypoint |
Weingut, Weinberg | drink | vineyard |
Weinkeller | drink | wine cellar |
Weltraumbahnhof | see | spaceport |
Werft | see | shipyard |
Wetterstation | see | weather station |
Wiese | nature | meadow |
Wildnishütte | sleep | wilderness hut |
Windmühle | see | windmill |
Wintersport | do | winter sports |
Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft | other | business development agency |
WLAN-Hotspot | other | wlan |
Wohltätigkeitsorganisation | other | relief organisation |
Wrack | see | wreck |
Wüste | nature | desert |
Yachthafen, Marina | go | marina |
Zahnarzt | health | dentist |
Zahnärztlicher Notdienst | health | dental emergency service |
Zeitung, Zeitungsverlag | other | newspaper |
Zirkus | do | circus |
Zoll | other | customs |
Zoo, Tierpark | nature | zoo |
[Bearbeiten]Folgende Gruppen sind für {{Marker}} und {{VCard}} derzeit verfügbar:
Gruppenbezeichnung | Standardtyp im VCard-Editor | interne Gruppenbezeichnung | Farbe | RGB-Farbcode |
Aktivität | sports | do | #808080 | |
Anderes | office | other | #808000 | |
Anreise | station | go | #A52A2A | |
aquamarinblau | mediumaquamarine | #66CDAA | ||
Ausgehen | bar | drink | #2F4F4F | |
Aussicht | viewpoint | view | #4169E1 | |
Besiedelt | town | populated | #0000FF | |
cosmos | cosmos | #FFCFCF | ||
Fehler | error | #FF00FF | ||
Gebiet | region | area | #800000 | |
Gesundheit | hospital | health | #DC143C | |
gold | gold | #FFD700 | ||
hellgrün | lime | #BFFF00 | ||
Kaufen | shop | buy | #008080 | |
Küche | restaurant | eat | #D2691E | |
Maske | mask | #FF00FF | ||
Natur | landscape | nature | #228B22 | |
orange | orange | #FFA500 | ||
pflaumenblau | plum | #DDA0DD | ||
Religion | church | religion | #DAA520 | |
rot | red | #FF0000 | ||
Sehenswert | monument | see | #4682B4 | |
silber | silver | #C0C0C0 | ||
Track | track | #FF00FF | ||
Unterkunft | hotel | sleep | #000080 | |
violett | purple | #800080 |