Eine ganze Reihe von Vorlagen erlaubt es, Zeichenketten zu analysieren und zu manipulieren. Die folgende Seite gibt einen Überblick. Beispiele finden sich auf den Dokumentationen zu den Vorlagen.
Trimmen nach Anzahl
[Bearbeiten]- {{Str mid}} – To return a substring, specified by its position and length.
- {{Trunc}} – To trim down to a specified number of characters.
- {{Str left}} – To trim down to a specified number of characters, or duplicate the string to a specified number.
- {{Str crop}} – To crop a specified number of characters off the end.
- {{Chop head and tail}} – To crop a specified number of characters off the beginning and end.
- {{Str right}} – To trim the first specified number of characters.
- {{Str rightc}} – To return a number of characters from the end, returns a parameter if the string is empty.
- {{Str rightmost}} – To trim down to the last specified number of characters.
- {{Str sub old}} – To trim down to a specified number, starting at a given number from the left.
- {{Str sub new}} – Select a substr based on starting and ending index.
- {{Str index}} – Returns a given character from a string, but not accented letters.
Trimmen nach Bedingung
[Bearbeiten]- {{Trim}} – To trim any leading or trailing whitespace (* {{Strip whitespace}} does so too, but is less effective)
- {{First word}} – To trim down to the first space.
- {{Remove first word}} – To remove anything before the first space.
- {{Str letter/trim}} – To trim down to the beginning letters.
- {{Str number/trim}} – To trim down to the beginning numbers.
Zeichen einfügen
[Bearbeiten]- {{Loop}} – Repeat character string n times
- {{Replace}} – Returns the string, after replacing all occurrences of a specified string with another string.
- {{Strloc insert}} – Inserts a string at character location strloc, or appends if strloc<=0.
- {{Strloc prefix}} – Extracts string prefix up to location strloc, or whole string if strloc<=0.
- {{Str rep}} – Returns the string, after replacing the first occurrence of a specified string with another string.
[Bearbeiten]- {{Str len}} – Returns a string's length.
- {{Str ≥ len}} – To check if a string is "longer or equally long" or "shorter" than a given length.
- {{Str ≤ len}} – To check if a string is "shorter or equally long" or "longer" than a given length.
- {{Str ≠ len}} – To check if a string is "not equal" or "equal" to a given length.
- {{Str ≤ ≥ len}} – To check if a string is "shorter", "equal", or "longer" than a given length.
[Bearbeiten]- {{Str endswith}} – To check if a string ends with a given string.
- {{Str find}} – Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string.
- {{Strfind short}} – Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string.
- {{Str find0}} – Zero-based substring search.
- {{Str sub find}} – Searches a substring in a string at the given offset.
- {{ASCII code}} – Returns the ASCII value of a single character.
- {{Str letter}} – Returns the number of letters that begin a string.
- {{Str number}} – Returns the number of numbers that begin a string.
- {{Str gtr str}} – Compares two strings for alphabetical order, and returns a value accordingly.
[Bearbeiten]- {{Title without disambig}} – To trim off any parenthesis text at the end of a string (disambiguation).
- {{Title disambig text}} – Returns text in parenthesis at the end of a string (disambiguation).
- {{Unlink}} – Removes wikilink brackets (wikicode).
- {{Remove file prefix}} — Removes "File:" or "Image:" from filenames.
Siehe auch
[Bearbeiten]- Vorlagen:Zeichenkettenmanipulation - Kategorie mit allen Vorlagen zur Zeichenkettenmanipulation
- Vorlagen - Einführung in die Vorlagen auf Wikivoyage
- Übersicht - Übersicht über die Vorlagen auf Wikivoyage