
Aus Wikivoyage

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/** Listing Editor v2.6.2-es

	This script is called by [[MediaWiki:InitListingTools.js]]
	Original authors:
	- ausgehe
	- torty3
	Additional contributors:
	- Andyrom75
	- Wrh2
	- RolandUnger
	Documentation and version history:


	Modules: Config, Callbacks, Sister, Core

	Different Wikivoyage language versions have different implementations of
	the listing template, so this module must be customized for each.  The
	Config and Callbacks modules should be the ONLY code that requires
	customization - Core should be shared across all language versions. If for
	some reason the Core module must be modified, ideally the module should be
	modified for all language versions so that the code can stay in sync.

var wvListingEditor = ( function( mw, $ ) {
	'use strict';

// ---------------------------------- Config ----------------------------------

		Config contains properties that will likely need to be
		modified for each Wikivoyage language version.  Properties in this
		module will be referenced from the other ListingEditor modules.

	var Config = function() {

		var SYSTEM = {
			version: '2.6.2-es',

			Commons: '//',
			Wikidata: '//',
			addSearchLang: [ 'en', 'fr' ], // for Wikidata search
			geomap: '//',

			wikiLang: mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentLanguage' ),
			localLang: '', // this and the following ones are filled by script
			searchLang: []

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		// names of the listing templates
		var TEMPLATES = [ 'listado', 'vCard', 'ver', 'hacer', 'comprar', 'comer', 'evento', 'beber', 'dormir' ];
		var MARKERS = [ 'marker' ];

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		// map section heading ID to the listing template to use for that section
			'Llegar': 'station', // go
			'Desplazarse': 'public transport', // go
			'Ver': 'monument', // see
			'Hacer': 'sports', // do
			'Comprar': 'shop', // buy
			'Comer': 'restaurant', // eat
			'Beber': 'bar', // drink
			'Beber_y_salir': 'bar', // drink and night life
			'Dormir': 'hotel', // sleep
			'Educación': 'education', // education
			'Empleo': 'administration', // work
			'Seguridad': 'administration', // security
			'Salud': 'health', // health
			'Oficina': 'office' // practicalities

		// If any of these patterns are present on a page then no 'add listing'
		// buttons will be added to the page
		var DISALLOW_ADD_LISTING_IF_PRESENT = ['#Orte', '#Weitere_Ziele', '#St.C3.A4dte', '#Regionen', '#Inseln', '#print-districts' ];

		var STRINGS = {
			add: 'añadir entrada',
			addTitle: 'Agregar una nueva tarjeta de presentación',
			edit: 'editar',
			editTitle: 'Edición de una tarjeta de presentación existente',
			loading: 'Inicie el editor de listado…',
			ajaxInitFailure: 'Error: el editor de listado no se puede completar previamente.',
			saving: 'Guardando…',
			enterCaptcha: 'Ingrese el CAPTCHA',
			externalLinks: 'Su edición contiene nuevos enlaces externos.',

			cancel: 'Cancelar',
			cancelTitle: 'Descartar los cambios',
			cancelMessage: 'Cuando cierre el editor, se descartarán sus entradas anteriores. ¿De verdad quieres hacer esto?',
			deleteMessage: '¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar el enlace a Wikidata?',
			help: '?',
			helpPage: '//',
			helpTitle: 'Ayuda para el editor de listado',
			preview: 'Previsualizar',
			previewTitle: 'Previsualizar de listado. ¡Úselo antes de guardar!',
			previewOff: 'Sin previsualizar',
			previewOffTitle: 'Desactivar la previsualizar',
			refresh: '↺',  //  \ue031 not yet working
			refreshTitle: 'Actualizar la previsualizar',
			submit: 'Publicar',
			submitTitle: 'Guardar cambios',
			// license text should match MediaWiki:Wikimedia-copyrightwarning
			licenseText: 'Al guardar los cambios, aceptas los <a class="external" target="_blank" href=""> Términos de uso </a>, y aceptas irrevocablemente publicar tus contribuciones bajo la <a class="external" target="_blank" href=""><i>Creative-Commons BY-SA 3.0</i>  y la <a class="external" target="_blank" href=""> GFDL</a>. Aceptas que un hipervínculo o URL es atribución suficiente bajo la licencia <em>Creative Commons</em>.',

			ifNecessary: '(solo si es necesario)',
			severalGroups: '(recomendado: diferentes grupos)',
			searchOnMap: 'Buscar en un mapa',
			deleteWikidataId: 'eleminar',
			deleteWikidataIdTitle: 'Elimina la entrada de Wikidata de la lista',
			fillFromWikidata: 'Complete la entradas en Wikidata',

			validationCategory: 'Introduzca un nombre de categoría válido sin prefijo.',
			validationCoord: 'Corrija la latitud y la longitud incorrectas.',
			validationEmail: 'Corrija la(s) dirección(es) de correo electrónico incorrecta(s).',
			validationEmptyListing: 'Ingrese un nombre o una dirección.',
			validationFacebook: 'Corrija la URL o el ID de perfil de Facebook incorrectos. ',
			validationFax: 'Corrija los números de fax incorrectos.',
			validationFlickr: 'Corrija la URL o el ID de usuario de Flickr incorrectos.',
			validationImage: 'Introduzca un nombre de archivo de imagen válido sin prefijo.',
			validationInstagram: 'Corrija el nombre de usuario o la URL de Instagram incorrectos.',
			validationLastEdit: 'Corrija la fecha incorrecta del último procesamiento.',
			validationMapGroup: 'Corrija el nombre incorrecto del grupo de mapas.',
			validationMissingCoord: 'Ingrese tanto el latitud como el longitud.',
			validationMobile: 'Corrija los números de teléfono móvil incorrectos.',
			validationName: 'Corrija el nombre incorrecto o el vínculo del artículo.',
			validationNames: 'Se eliminaron los identificadores duplicados de nombres, direcciones y / o direcciones.',
			validationPhone: 'Corrija los números de teléfono incorrectos.',
			validationSkype: 'Corrija el nombre de usuario de Skype incorrecto.',
			validationTollfree: 'Corrija los números de teléfono gratuitos incorrectos.',
			validationTwitter: 'Corrija el nombre de usuario o la URL de Twitter incorrectos.',
			validationType: 'Especifique un tipo.',
			validationUrl: 'Corrija la dirección de Internet incorrecta.',
			validationYoutube: 'Corrija la URL o el ID de canal de YouTube incorrectos.',
			validationZoom: 'Corrija el nivel de zoom incorrecto (0–19).',

			commonscat: '[Cc]ategoría',
			image: '[Aa]rchivo|[Ii]magen', //Local prefix for Image (or File)
			added: 'Listado añadido para $1',
			updated: 'Listado modificado para $1',
			removed: 'Listado eliminado para $1',

			submitApiError: 'Error: el servidor devolvió un mensaje de error al intentar guardar la listado. Inténtalo de nuevo.',
			submitBlacklistError: 'Error: se encontró un elemento en la lista negra. Elimine la entrada y vuelva a intentarlo.',
			submitUnknownError: 'Error: se produjo un error desconocido al intentar guardar la listado. Inténtalo de nuevo.',
			submitHttpError: 'Error: el servidor devolvió un error HTTP al intentar guardar la listado. Inténtalo de nuevo.',
			submitEmptyError: 'Error: el servidor devolvió una respuesta vacía al intentar guardar la listado. Inténtalo de nuevo.',

			viewCommonsPageTitle: 'Vista de imagen en Wikimedia Commons ',
			viewCommonscatPageTitle: 'Enlace a la categoría de imagen en Wikimedia Commons',
			viewWikidataPage: 'Vista del registro de Wikidata',
			wikidataShared: 'Los siguientes datos se encontraron en el conjunto de datos de Wikidata. ¿Deben adoptarse los valores encontrados?',
			wikidataSharedNotFound: 'No se encontraron datos en la base de datos de Wikidata.',

			natlCurrencyTitle: 'Insertar símbolo de moneda local',
			intlCurrencyTitle: 'Insertar símbolo de moneda internacional',
			callingCodeTitle: 'Insertar código de área',
			specialCharsTitle: 'Insertar caracteres especiales',
			linkTitle: 'Enlace de Internet',
			linkText: '<img src="//" height="16" width="16" />',
			contentLimit: 1000,
			contentStatus: 'Número de caracteres: $1',
			additionalSubtypes: 'Otras características de Wikidata',
			unknownSubtypes: 'No se encontraron características conocidas.',

			deleteListingLabel: '¿Eliminar esta listado?',
			deleteListingTitle: 'Seleccione esta opción si esta institución ya no existe o si la listado debe eliminarse por cualquier otro motivo. Luego, la listado se eliminará del artículo.',
			minorEditLabel: 'Solo se cambiaron pequeñas cosas',
			minorEditTitle: 'Seleccione esta opción si solo se han realizado cambios menores, como errores ortográficos.',
			statusLabel: 'Estado',
			statusTitle: 'Información sobre el estado del artículo, como eliminación o actualización',
			summaryLabel: 'Resumen',
			summaryTitle: 'Breve resumen del motivo del cambio',
			summaryPlaceholder: 'Razón del cambio de listado',
			updateLastedit: '¿Debería establecerse la fecha del último cambio en la fecha de hoy?',
			updateTodayLabel: 'Establecer el último cambio para hoy',
			updateTodayTitle: 'Marque esta opción si la información se ha verificado como actual y sin errores. La entrada o la fecha de hoy se utiliza como fecha de actualización.',

			textPreviewLabel: 'Previsualización',
			textPreviewTitle: 'Vista previa de la listado con los datos del formulario actual',
			syntaxPreviewLabel: 'Sintaxis Wiki',
			syntaxPreviewTitle: 'Sintaxis wiki de la listado con los datos del formulario actual',
			chosenNoResults: 'No coincide con',

			yes: [ 'y', 'yes', 's', 'si', 'sí', 'true' ],
			no: [ 'n', 'no', 'false' ],
			decimalPoint: ',',

			from: 'desde %s',
			fromTo: '%s–%s',
			to: 'hasta %s',

			sep: ',|;| and | or | y | o | u ',
			skypeSep: ';| and | or | y | o | u '

		var COORD_LETTERS =  {
			N: { factor:  1, dir: 'lat' },
			S: { factor: -1, dir: 'lat' },
			E: { factor:  1, dir: 'long' },
			W: { factor: -1, dir: 'long' },
			O: { factor:  1, dir: 'long' } // German Ost = East

		var CHARS = {
			intlCurrencies: [ '€', '$', '£', '¥', '₩', '&amp;nbsp;' ],
			specialChars: [ 'Ñ', 'á', 'é', 'í', 'ñ', 'ó', 'ú', 'ü', '¡', '¿', '“', '’', '–', '—', '…', '·', '&amp;nbsp;' ],
			spaceBeforeCurrencies: true,
			spaceAfterCallingCodes: true

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		var OPTIONS = {
			// in pixels, otherwise available space
			MaxDialogWidth: 1200,
			/** set the following flag to false if the listing editor should strip away any
				listing template parameters that are not explicitly configured in the
				TEMPLATES parameter arrays (such as wikipedia, phoneextra, etc).
				if the flag is set to true then unrecognized parameters will be allowed
				as long as they have a non-empty value. */
			AllowUnrecognizedParameters: true,
			// write empty parameters to listing template text
			keepItDefault: false,
			inlineFormat: true,

			CopyToAliases: true,
			CopyToTypeAliases: true,

			withoutPunctuation: [ 'address', 'address-local', 'alt', 'checkin', 'checkout', 'comment', 'hours', 'name-extra', 'payment', 'price' ]

		/** The arrays below must include entries for each listing template
		parameter in use for each Wikivoyage language version - for example
		"name", "address", "phone", etc.  If all listing template types use
		the same parameters then a single configuration array is sufficient,
		but if listing templates use different parameters or have different
		rules about which parameters are required then the differences must
		be configured - for example, English Wikivoyage uses "checkin" and
		"checkout" in the "sleep" template, so a separate
		SLEEP_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS array has been created below to define the
		different requirements for that listing template type.

		Once arrays of parameters are defined, the TEMPLATES
		mapping is used to link the configuration to the listing template
		type, so in the English Wikivoyage example all listing template
		types use the PARAMETERS configuration EXCEPT for
		"sleep" listings, which use the SLEEP_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS

		Fields that can used in the configuration array(s):
		-	id: HTML input ID in the EDITOR_FORM_HTML for this element.
		-	hideDivIfEmpty: id of a <div> in the EDITOR_FORM_HTML for this
			element that should be hidden if the corresponding template
			parameter has no value. For example, the "fax" field is
			little-used and is not shown by default in the editor form if it
			does not already have a value.
		-	keepIt: Include the parameter in the wiki template
			syntax that is saved to the article if the parameter has no
			value. For example, the "image" tag is not included by default
			in the listing template syntax unless it has a value.
			Default keepIt = false
		-	newline: Append a newline after the parameter in the listing
			template syntax when the article is saved.
		-	aliases: aliases for parameter names.
		-	ph: placeholder.
		-	cl: tag class(es).
		-	tp: input type (select, textarea, default: input).
		-	multiple: multiple select fields.

		The following list defines the parameter succession of form output.
		Please translate only the title and the placeholder string ph. */

		var PARAMETERS = {
			name: { aliases: [ 'nombre' ], label: 'Nombre', title: 'Nombre de la institución', ph: '  Nombre de la institución' },
			'name-extra': { label: 'Sufijo de nombre', title: 'Adición al nombre de la instalación', ph: '  Adición al nombre de la institución' },
			'name-local': { label: 'Nombre en idioma local', title: 'Nombre de la institución en el idioma local. Además del nombre', ph: '  Ejemplo: المتحف المصري', cl: 'editor-foreign addLocalLang' },
			'name-latin': { label: 'Nombre en romanización', title: 'Designación de la institución en la transcripción del nombre en el idioma local', ph: '  Ejemplo: al-Matḥaf al-Miṣrī' },
			alt: { label: 'Nombre alternativo', title: 'Nombre actual alternativo de la instalación', ph: '  También conocido como' },
			comment: { aliases: [ 'comentario' ], label: 'Comentario', title: 'Notas sobre el nombre o institución que no son o ya no forman parte del nombre. Por ejemplo, nombres anteriores.', ph: '  Nota sobre el nombre' },

			type: { aliases: [ 'tipo' ], label: 'Tipo', title: 'Tipo de la institución"', ph: 'Seleccione uno o más tipos…', tp: 'select', multiple: true, keepIt: true },
			group: { aliases: [ 'grupo' ], label: 'Grupo de tipo', title: 'Nur zum Überschreiben benutzen! Überschreibt die automatisch ermittelte Gruppenzugehörigkeit z.&#x202F;B. mit buy (Einkaufen), do (Aktivitäten), drink (Ausgehen), eat (Küche), go (Anreise), see (Sehenswürdigkeiten) und sleep (Unterkunft).', ph: 'Selección de un grupo…', tp: 'select', cl: 'addGroupHint' },
			wikidata: { label: 'Wikidata', title: 'Nombre del objeto de datos de Wikidata', ph: '  Nombre de Wikidata' },
			auto: { label: 'Automático', title: 'Recuperación automática de toda la información de Wikidata', ph: 'Uso de Wikidata…', tp: 'select',
				text: '<option value=""></option>' +
					'<option value="y">Sí</option>' +
					'<option value="n">No (defecto)</option>' },

			url: { label: 'Sitio web', title: 'Dirección web de la institución', ph: '  Ejemplo:', cl: 'addLink' },
			address: { aliases: [ 'dirección' ], label: 'Dirección', title: 'Dirección de la institución con calle, código postal y ciudad', ph: '  Dirección de la institución' },
			'address-local': { label: 'Dirección en idioma local', title: 'Dirección de la institución en el idioma local. Además de la dirección', ph: '  Ejemplo: ميدان التحرير', cl: 'editor-foreign' },
			directions: { aliases: [ 'indicaciones' ], label: 'Indicaciones', title: 'Direcciones y ubicación de la institución', ph: '  Información sobre la ubicación de la institución' },
			'directions-local': { label: 'Direcciones en idioma local', title: 'Direcciones y ubicación de la instalación en el idioma local', ph: '  Ejemplo: بوسط البلد', cl: 'editor-foreign' },
			lat: { label: 'Latitud', title: 'Latitud de la ubicación de la institución', ph: '  Ejemplo: 11.11111' },
			long: { label: 'Longitud', title: 'Longitud de la ubicación de la institución', ph: '  Ejemplo: 111.11111', cl: 'addMaplink' },

			phone: { aliases: [ 'tlf' ], label: 'Teléfono', title: 'Números de teléfono de la institución, separados por comas', ph: '  Ejemplo: +55 555 555-5555', cl: 'addCC addLocalCC' },
			mobile: { label: 'Teléfono móvil', title: 'Números de teléfono móvil de la institución, separados por comas', ph: '  Ejemplo: +55 123 555-555', cl: 'addCC' },
			tollfree: { aliases: [ 'tlf_gratuito' ], label: 'Gratuito', title: 'Números gratuitos de teléfono de la institución, separados por comas', ph: '  Ejemplo: +49 800 100-1000', cl: 'addCC' },
			fax: { label: 'Fax', title: 'Números de fax de la institución, separados por comas', ph: '  Ejemplo: +55 555 555-555', cl: 'addCC addLocalCC' },
			email: { label: 'Correo electrónico', title: 'Direcciones de correo electrónico de la institución, separadas por comas', ph: '  Ejemplo:' },
			skype: { label: 'Nombre de Skype', title: 'Nombre de usuario de Skype de la institución', ph: '  Ejemplo: myskype' },
			facebook: { label: 'Facebook URL', title: 'ID de perfil de Facebook de la institución o dirección web de Facebook', ph: '  Ejemplos: myfacebook,', cl: 'addLink' },
			flickr: { label: 'Grupo de flickr', title: 'Nombre del grupo de Flickr de la institución o dirección web de Flickr', ph: '  Ejemplo: myflickr', cl: 'addLink' },
			instagram: { label: 'Nombre de Instagram', title: 'Nombre de usuario de Instagram de la institución o dirección web de Instagram', ph: '  Ejemplo: myinstagram', cl: 'addLink' },
			twitter: { label: 'Twitter URL', title: 'Nombre de usuario de Twitter de la institución o dirección web de Twitter', ph: '  Ejemplo: mytwitter', cl: 'addLink' },
			youtube: { label: 'Canal de Youtube', title: 'Identificador o dirección web del canal de YouTube de la institución', ph: '  Ejemplo: myyoutube', cl: 'addLink' },

			hours: { aliases: [ 'horario' ], label: 'Horario', title: 'Horarios de apertura de la institución', ph: '  Ejemplo: Lunes a viernes de 9 a. M. a 6 p. M.' },
			checkin: { aliases: [ 'hora_entrada' ], label: 'Hora entrada', title: 'Hora de entrada más temprana (solo para alojamientos)', ph: '  Hora de entrada más temprana (solo para alojamientos)' },
			checkout: { aliases: [ 'hora_salida' ], label: 'Hora salida', title: 'Última hora de salida (solo para alojamientos)', ph: '  Última hora de salida (solo para alojamientos)' },
			price: { aliases: [ 'precio' ], label: 'Precio', title: 'Tarifa de entrada, tarifa de servicio o tarifa de alojamiento de la institución', ph: '  Tarifa de entrada, tarifa de servicio o tarifa de alojamiento', cl: 'addCurrencies' },
			payment: { label: 'Métodos de pago', title: 'Métodos de pago aceptados por la institución', ph: '  Ejemplo: Master, Visa, Amex' },
			subtype: { aliases: [ 'estrellas' ], label: 'Caracteristicas', title: 'Caracteristicas de la institución', ph: 'Seleccione una o más características…', tp: 'select', multiple: true },
			image: { aliases: [ 'imagen' ], label: 'Imagen', title: 'Imagen que se mostrará al hacer clic en el número en el mapa', ph: '  Imagen de la institución', cl: 'addImgLink' },
			commonscat: { label: 'Categoría de imagen', title: 'Categoría de imagen con más imágenes para esta función si no se ha configurado Wikidata', ph: '  Categoría con imágenes de la institución', cl: 'addCommonsLink' },
			show: { label: 'Opciones de pantalla', title: 'Legt die Anzeige von Koordinatenmarkern, Koordinaten und Merkmalen der Einrichtung fest. Nur nötig, wenn die Anzeigeoptionen vom Standard (z.&#x202F;B. „nur Marker“) abweichen.', ph: 'Seleccione una o más opciones…', tp: 'select', multiple: true,
				text: '<optgroup label="Coordenadas" id="listing-show-coordinate">' +
					'<option value="all">Marcadores y coordenadas</option>' +
					'<option value="poi">Marcadores (defecto)</option>' +
					'<option value="coord">Coordenadas</option>' +
					'<option value="none">Sin coordenadas</option>' +
				'</optgroup>' +
				'<optgroup label="Símbolo de la institución" id="listing-show-symbol">' +
					'<option value="symbol">Símbolo MAKI</option>' +
					'<option value="noairport">Sin códigos de aeropuerto</option>' +
				'</optgroup>' +
				'<optgroup label="Caracteristicas de la institución" id="listing-show-subtypes">' +
					'<option value="nosubtype">No mostrar características</option>' +
					'<option value="nowdsubtype">Sin características de Wikidata</option>' +
				'</optgroup>' +
				'<optgroup label="Presentación del listado" id="listing-show-block">' +
					'<option value="inline">Dentro de la linea</option>' +
					'<option value="outdent">Sangría colgante</option>' +
				'</optgroup>' },
			zoom: { label: 'Nivel del zoom', title: 'Ampliación de la sección (nivel de zoom) del mapa que se mostrará entre 0 y 19. El estándar es 17.', ph: '  Ejemplo: 17' },
			'map-group': { label: 'Grupo de mapas', title: 'Nombre de un grupo de mapas. Esta información solo es necesaria si los marcadores se van a distribuir en diferentes mapas. Solo puede constar de los caracteres A - Z, a - z y 0–9 y debe comenzar con una letra.', ph: '  Ejemplo: GrupoDeMapas1' },
			lastedit: { label: 'Última actualización', title: 'Fecha del último procesamiento con el formato aaaa-mm-dd, la denominada fecha ISO. Si el campo se deja en blanco, se ingresa la fecha de hoy al guardar.', hideDivIfEmpty: 'div_lastedit', ph: '2020-01-15' },

			before: { label: 'Preposición', title: 'Símbolos, partes de texto, etc. colocados al principio del listado', ph: '  Ejemplo: [[Archivo:Asterisco.jpg]]' },
			description: { aliases: [ 'descripción', 'content' ], label: 'Descripción', title: 'Descripción breve de la institución. Un valor de referencia para la longitud del texto es de 1000 caracteres.', keepIt: true, ph: 'Descripción de la institución', tp: 'textarea' }

		// ----------------------- Stop translation here -----------------------

		// Type dependent hide /show
		var HIDE_AND_SHOW = {
			'sleep': { 
				hide: [], // 'div_hours'; needed for campsites etc.
				show: ['div_checkin', 'div_checkout']
			'default':  { 
				hide: ['div_checkin', 'div_checkout'],
				show: [] // 'div_hours'

		var REGEX = {
			name:     /^([^\[\]\|]+|\[\[[^\[\]\|]+\]\]|\[\[[^\[\]\|]+\|[^\[\]\|]+\]\])$/,
			url:      /^(https?:\/\/|\/\/)(\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){0,3}|([^.\/:;<=>?\\@|\s\x00-\x2C\x7F]+\.)+[^.\/:;<=>?\\@|\d\s\x00-\x2C\x7F]{2,10}(:\d+)?)(\/?|\/[-A-Za-z0-9_.,~%+&:;#*?!=()@\/\x80-\xFF]*)$/,
			// protocol:       (https?:\/\/|\/\/)
			// domain:         (\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){0,3}|([^.\/:;<=>?\\@|\s\x00-\x2C\x7F]+\.)+[^.\/:;<=>?\\@|\d\s\x00-\x2C\x7F]{2,10}(:\d+)?)
			// residual:       (\/?|\/[-A-Za-z0-9_.,~%+&:;#*?!=()@\/\x80-\xFF]*)
			// not considered: logins like login:password@, IPv6 addresses; will be added if necessary

			phone:    /^(\+[1-9]|[\d\(])([\dA-Z \-\(\)\.]+[\dA-Z ])(( ([Ee][Xx][Tt]\.? |[Aa][Pp][Pp]\.? |x)\d+)?)( *\([^\)]+\))?$/,
			email:    /^[^@^\(^\)\s]+@[^@^\(^\)\s]+\.[^@^\(^\)\s]+( *\([^\)]+\))?$/,
			skype:    /^[a-z][a-z0-9\.,\-_]{5,31}(\?(add|call|chat|sendfile|userinfo|voicemail))?( *\([^\)]+\))?$/,
			facebook: /^(https:\/\/www\.facebook\.com\/.+|(?!.*\.(?:com|net))[a-z\d.]{5,}|[-.\w\d]+\-\d+)$/i,
			flickr:   /^(https:\/\/www\.flickr\.com\/.+|\d{5,11}@N\d{2})$/,
			twitter:  /^(https:\/\/twitter\.com\/.+|[0-9a-z_]{1,15})$/i,
			youtube:  /^(https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/.+|UC[-_0-9A-Za-z]{21}[AQgw])$/,

			image:    new RegExp( '^(?!([Ff]ile|[Ii]mage|' + STRINGS.image + '):)' + '.+\.(tif|tiff|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|jpe|webp|xcf|ogg|ogv|svg|pdf|stl|djvu|webm|mpg|mpeg)$', 'i' ),
			commonscat: new RegExp( '^(?!(category|' + STRINGS.commonscat + '):)' + '.+$', 'i' ),
			zoom:     /^1?[0-9]$/,
			mapgroup: /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$/,
			lastedit: /^((20\d{2}-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))|((0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\.(0?[1-9]|1[012])\.20\d{2}))$/

		var FIELDS = {
			name:        { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationName, wd: false },
			url:         { regex: REGEX.url, m: STRINGS.validationUrl, wd: true },
			phone:       { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationPhone, wd: true, sep: STRINGS.sep },
			mobile:      { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationMobile, wd: false, sep: STRINGS.sep },
			tollfree:    { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationTollfree, wd: false, sep: STRINGS.sep },
			fax:         { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationFax, wd: true, sep: STRINGS.sep },
			email:       { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationEmail, wd: true, sep: STRINGS.sep },
			skype:       { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationSkype, wd: true, sep: STRINGS.skypeSep },
			facebook:    { regex: REGEX.facebook, m: STRINGS.validationFacebook, wd: true },
			flickr:      { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationFlickr, wd: true },
			instagram:   { regex: REGEX.instagram, m: STRINGS.validationInstagram, wd: true },
			twitter:     { regex: REGEX.twitter, m: STRINGS.validationTwitter, wd: true },
			youtube:     { regex:, m: STRINGS.validationYoutube, wd: true },
			image:       { regex: REGEX.image, m: STRINGS.validationImage, wd: true },
			commonscat:  { regex: REGEX.commonscat, m: STRINGS.validationCategory, wd: false },
			zoom:        { regex: REGEX.zoom, m: STRINGS.validationZoom, wd: false },
			'map-group': { regex: REGEX.mapgroup, m: STRINGS.validationMapGroup, wd: false },
			lastedit:    { regex: REGEX.lastedit, m: STRINGS.validationLastEdit, wd: false }

			name:        { type: 'label', which: 'wiki' },
			'name-local':{ type: 'label', which: 'local' },
			url:         { p:  'P856' },
			address:     { p: 'P6375', type: 'monolingual', which: 'wiki', max: 10 },
			'address-local': { p: 'P6375', type: 'monolingual', which: 'local', max: 10 },
			directions:  { p: 'P2795', type: 'monolingual', which: 'wiki', max: 10 },
			'directions-local': { p: 'P2795', type: 'monolingual', which: 'local', max: 10 },
			lat:         { p:  'P625', type: 'coordinate', which: 'latitude' },
			long:        { p:  'P625', type: 'coordinate', which: 'longitude' },

			phone:       { p: 'P1329', max: 5, type: 'contact' },
			fax:         { p: 'P2900', max: 3, type: 'contact' },
			email:       { p:  'P968', type: 'email', max: 5 },
			skype:       { p: 'P2893' },
			facebook:    { p: 'P2013' },
			flickr:      { p: 'P3267' },
			instagram:   { p: 'P2003' },
			twitter:     { p: 'P2002' },
			youtube:     { p: 'P2397' },

			// type:     {}
			subtype:     { p: [ 'P912', 'P2012', 'P2846', 'P2848', 'P5023' ], label: 'Features', type: 'subtype', table: '', result: 'table', max: 50 },
			hours:       { p: 'P3025', type: 'hours', max: 5 },
			checkin:     { p: 'P8745', type: 'id' },
			checkout:    { p: 'P8746', type: 'id' },
			price:       { p: 'P2555', type: 'au', max: 5 },
			payment:     { p: 'P2851', type: 'id', max: 10 },
			image:       { p:   'P18' },
			commonscat:  { p:  'P373' }

		var SHOW_OPTIONS = { // strings should be not empty
			none: '_',
			poi: '_',
			coord: '_',
			all: '_',
			symbol: '_',
			nowdsubtype: '_',
			noairport: '_',
			nosubtype: '_',
			outdent: '_',
			inline: '_'

		var PROPERTIES = {
			quantity: 'P1114',
			minimumAge: 'P2899',
			maximumAge: 'P4135',
			dayOpen: 'P3027',
			dayClosed: 'P3028',
			hourOpen: 'P8626',
			hourClosed: 'P8627',

		var COMMENTS = {
			contact: [ 'P366', 'P518', 'P642', 'P1001', 'P1559', 'P106' ],
			fee:     [ 'P5314', 'P518', 'P6001', 'P1264', 'P585', 'P2899', 'P4135', 'P642'],
			hours:   [ 'P8626', 'P8627', 'P3027', 'P3028' ]

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		var SELECTORS = {
			/** these selectors should match a value defined in the EDITOR_FORM_HTML
				if the selector refers to a field that is not used by a Wikivoyage
				language version the variable should still be defined, but the
				corresponding element in EDITOR_FORM_HTML can be removed and thus
				the selector will not match anything and the functionality tied to
				the selector will never execute. */
			editorDelete: '#checkbox-delete',
			editorForm: '#listingeditor-form',
			editorLastedit: '#checkbox-lastedit',
			editorMinorEdit: '#checkbox-minor',
			editorSummary: '#input-summary',
			wikidataLabel: '#input-wikidata-label',

			// document selectors
			geoIndicator: '#mw-indicator-i3-geo .wv-coord-indicator',
			// selector that identifies the listing elements into which the
			// 'edit' link will be placed
			listingEditLink: 'span.listing-metadata-items'

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

			facebook: '$1',
			flickr: '$1',
			instagram: '$1/',
			twitter: '$1',
			youtube: '$1',
			url: '$1'

			no_results_text: STRINGS.chosenNoResults,
			width: '100%',
			rtl: false,
			allow_single_deselect: true,
			disable_search_threshold: 5

		// utilities for form elements creation
		var getInputId = function( id ) {
			return 'input-' + id;

		var input = function( id, add ) {
			if ( !id || id === '' ) return '';

			var el, tagId = getInputId( id ),
				p = PARAMETERS[ id === 'wikidata-label' ? 'wikidata' : id ],
				attr = mw.format( 'id="$1"', tagId ) +
					( ? mw.format( ' class="$1"', ) : '' );

			switch ( || '' ) {
				case 'select':
					if ( !p.text && !p.multiple )
						p.text = '<option value=""></option>';
					attr += ( p.multiple ? ' multiple="multiple"' : '' ) +
						( ? mw.format( ' data-placeholder="$1"', ) : '' );
					el = mw.format( '<select class="chosen-select" title="$1" $2>$3</select>', p.title, attr, p.text || '' );
				case 'textarea':
					el = mw.format( '<textarea rows="8" title="$1" $2></textarea>', p.title, attr );
					el = mw.format( '<input type="text" title="$1" $2>', p.title, attr );

			return mw.format( '<div id="div_$1" class="editor-row">', id ) +
				mw.format( '<div><label id="label-$1" for="$2" title="$3">$4</label></div>',
					id, tagId, p.title, p.label ) +
				mw.format( '<div class="editor-input">$1</div>', el + ( add || '' ) ) +

		var inputs = function( arr ) {
			var s = '';
			for ( var id of arr )
				s += input( id );
			return s;

		/** The below HTML is the UI that will be loaded into the listing editor
			dialog box when a listing is added or edited. EACH WIKIVOYAGE LANGUAGE
			SITE CAN CUSTOMIZE THIS HTML - fields can be removed, added, displayed
			differently, etc. Note that it is important that any changes to the HTML
			structure are also made to the TEMPLATES parameter arrays since that
			array provides the mapping between the editor HTML and the listing
			template fields. */

		var EDITOR_FORM_HTML = '<form id="listingeditor-form">' +
			'<div class="listingeditor-container">' +
			'<div class="listingeditor-col">' +
				// maybe a Callbacks.initFindOnMapLink or Callbacks.initSymbolFormFields update necessary
				inputs( [ 'name', 'name-extra', 'alt', 'comment', 'url', 'address', 'directions', 'lat', 'long',
					 'phone', 'tollfree', 'mobile', 'fax', 'email', 'skype', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'flickr', 'instagram', 'youtube' ] ) +
			'</div>' +

			'<div class="listingeditor-col">' +
				inputs( [ 'type', 'group' ] ) +
				input( 'subtype',
					'<div class="input-other" id="listingeditor-additionalSubtypes" style="display: none"><a href="javascript:" title="' + STRINGS.additionalSubtypes + '">[ + ]</a></div>' ) +
				input( 'show' ) +
				input( 'wikidata-label',
					'<div class="input-other" id="wikidata-tools">' +
						'<input type="hidden" id="input-wikidata"><span id="wikidata-value-link"></span> | ' +
						'<a href="javascript:" id="wikidata-remove" title="' + STRINGS.deleteWikidataIdTitle + '">' + STRINGS.deleteWikidataId + '</a>' +
					'</div>' ) +
				input( 'auto', '<div id="div_wikidata_update" class="input-other"><a href="javascript:" id="wikidata-shared">' + STRINGS.fillFromWikidata + '</a></div>' ) +
				inputs( [ 'hours', 'checkin', 'checkout', 'price', 'payment', 'image', 'commonscat', 'zoom',
					'map-group', 'before', 'name-local', 'name-latin', 'address-local', 'directions-local' ] ) +
			'</div>' +
			'</div>' +
			input( 'description' ) +

			// update the Callbacks.hideEditOnlyFields method if
			// the status and/or summary rows are removed or modified
			'<div id="div_status" class="editor-row">' +
				mw.format( '<div title="$1">$2</div>', STRINGS.statusTitle, STRINGS.statusLabel ) +
				'<div>' +
					// update the Callbacks.updateLastEditDate
					// method if the last edit input is removed or modified
					'<span id="div_lastedit">' +
						mw.format( '<label for="$1" title="$2">$3</label> ', getInputId( 'lastedit' ), PARAMETERS.lastedit.title, PARAMETERS.lastedit.label ) +
						'<input type="text" size="10" id="' + getInputId( 'lastedit' ) + '">' +
					'</span>' +
					'<span id="span-lasteditToday">' +
						'<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox-lastedit" />' +
						mw.format( '<label for="checkbox-lastedit" class="listingeditor-tooltip" title="$1">$2</label>', STRINGS.updateTodayTitle, STRINGS.updateTodayLabel ) +
					'</span>' +
					'<span id="span-delete">' +
						'<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox-delete">' +
						mw.format( '<label for="checkbox-delete" class="listingeditor-tooltip" title="$1">$2</label>', STRINGS.deleteListingTitle, STRINGS.deleteListingLabel ) +
					'</span>' +
				'</div>' +
			'</div>' +

			'<div id="div_summary">'+
				'<div class="listingeditor-divider"></div>' +
				'<div class="editor-row">' +
					mw.format( '<div><label for="input-summary" title="$1">$2</label></div>', STRINGS.summaryTitle, STRINGS.summaryLabel ) +
					'<div class="editor-input">' +
						'<input type="text" id="input-summary" placeholder="' + STRINGS.summaryPlaceholder + '">' +
						mw.format( '<div id="span-minor" class="input-other"><input type="checkbox" id="checkbox-minor"><label for="checkbox-minor" class="listingeditor-tooltip" title="$1">$2</label></div>', STRINGS.minorEditTitle, STRINGS.minorEditLabel ) +
					'</div>' +						
				'</div>' +
			'</div>' +

			'<div id="listingeditor-preview" style="display: none;">' +
				'<div class="listingeditor-divider"></div>' +
				'<div class="editor-row">' +
					'<div>' +
						mw.format( '<input type="radio" name="previewSelect" id="select-preview" value="Template preview" checked="checked" /> <label for="select-preview" title="$1">$2</label><br />', STRINGS.textPreviewTitle, STRINGS.textPreviewLabel ) +
						mw.format( '<input type="radio" name="previewSelect" id="select-syntax" value="Wiki syntax" /> <label for="select-syntax" title="$1">$2</label>', STRINGS.syntaxPreviewTitle, STRINGS.syntaxPreviewLabel ) +
					'</div>' +
					'<div>' +
						'<div id="listingeditor-preview-text" class="listingeditor-preview-div"></div>' +
						'<div id="listingeditor-preview-syntax" class="listingeditor-preview-div" style="display: none"></div>' +
					'</div>' +
				'</div>' +
			'</div>' +


			types: window.ListingEditor.types || [],
			groups: window.ListingEditor.groups || [],
			subtypes: window.ListingEditor.subtypes,

			currencies: window.ListingEditor.currencies,
			q_ids: [ window.ListingEditor.payments, window.ListingEditor.hours, window.ListingEditor.qualifiers ],

			typeList: {},
			groupList: {},
			subtypeList: {},

			typeAliases: {},
			groupAliases: {},
			subtypeAliases: {},

		// expose public members
		return {
			getInputId: getInputId,

// -------------------------------- Callbacks ---------------------------------

		Callbacks implements custom functionality that may be
		specific to how a Wikivoyage language version has implemented the
		listing template.  For example, English Wikivoyage uses a "last edit"
		date that needs to be populated when the listing editor form is
		submitted, and that is done via custom functionality implemented as a
		SUBMIT_FORM_CALLBACK function in this module.

	var Callbacks = function() {
		// array of functions to invoke when creating the listing editor form.
		// these functions will be invoked with the form DOM object as the
		// first element and the mode as the second element.

		// array of functions to invoke when submitting the listing editor
		// form but prior to validating the form. these functions will be
		// invoked with the mapping of listing attribute to value as the first
		// element and the mode as the second element.

		// array of validation functions to invoke when the listing editor is
		// submitted. these functions will be invoked with an array of
		// validation messages as an argument; a failed validation should add a
		// message to this array, and the user will be shown the messages and
		// the form will not be submitted if the array is not empty.

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		var wdResults = {};

		var removeComments = function( s ) {
			return s.replace( /<!--.*?-->/g, '' ).trim();

		// character count for description
		var characterCount = function( form, mode ) {
			Core.ELEMENTS.description.keyup( function( e ) {
				var count = $( this ).val().length;
				$( '#counter-description', form )
					.html( mw.format( Config.STRINGS.contentStatus, count ) )
					.toggleClass( 'input-content-limit', count > Config.STRINGS.contentLimit );
			}).trigger( 'keyup' );	
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( characterCount );

			Add listeners to the currency symbols, calling codes and special
			characters so that clicking on a symbol will insert it into the input.

		var initSymbolFormFields = function( form, mode ) {
			$( '.editor-charinsert', form ).click( function() {
				var _this = $( this );
				var input = $( '#' + _this.attr( 'data-for' ) );
				var caretPos = input[ 0 ].selectionStart;
				var oldValue = input.val();
				var symbol = _this.find( 'a' ).text();
				var charType = _this.attr( 'data-type' ) || '';
				if ( Config.CHARS.spaceBeforeCurrencies && symbol != '&nbsp;' &&
					charType == 'currency-char' && caretPos > 0 &&
					!isNaN( oldValue.substring( caretPos-1, caretPos ) ) )
					symbol = '&nbsp;' + symbol;
				else if ( Config.CHARS.spaceAfterCallingCodes && charType == 'phone-char' )
					symbol = symbol + ' ';

				var newValue = oldValue.substring(0, caretPos) + symbol + oldValue.substring( caretPos );
				input.val( newValue ).select();
				// now setting the cursor behind the symbol inserted
				caretPos = caretPos + symbol.length;
				input[ 0 ].setSelectionRange( caretPos, caretPos );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( initSymbolFormFields );

		// handling coordinates
		var checkForSplit = function() {
			var long = Core.ELEMENTS.long;
			if ( removeComments( long.val() ) !== '' ) return;

			var lat =;
			var value = removeComments( lat.val().toUpperCase() );
			var coords = value.split( /[,;\|]/ );
			if ( coords.length === 2 ) {
				lat.val( coords[ 0 ].trim() );
				long.val( coords[ 1 ].trim() );
			for ( var d of [ 'N', 'S' ] ) {
				coords = value.split( d );
				if ( coords.length === 2 ) {
					lat.val( coords[ 0 ].trim() + ' ' + d );
					long.val( coords[ 1 ].trim() );

		var parseCoord = function( coord, aDir ) {
			var s = coord.trim(), v, l;
			var result = { coord: s, error: 2 }; // 2 = is error
			if ( s === '' ) {
				result.error = 1;
				return result;

			var mx = aDir === 'lat' ? 90 : 180;
			if ( isNaN( coord ) ) { // try conversion dms -> dec
				s = s.toUpperCase()
					.replace( /[‘’′´`]/ig, "'" )
					.replace( /''/ig, '"' )
					.replace( /[“”″]/ig, '"' )
					.replace( /[−–—]/ig, '-' )
					.replace( /[_\\\/\s\0]/ig, ' ' )
					.replace( /([A-Z])/ig, ' $1' )
					.replace( /\s*([°"\'])/ig, '$1 ' )
					.split( ' ' );
				for ( var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
					s[ i ] = s[ i ].trim();
					if ( s[ i ] === null || s[ i ] === '' )
						s.splice( i, 1 );

				if ( s.length < 1 || s.length > 4 )
					return result;

				var units = [ '°', "'", '"', ' ' ];
				var res   = [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]; // 1 = positive direction

				for ( i = 0; i < s.length; i++ ) {
					v = s[ i ].replace( units[ i ], '' );
					if ( !isNaN( v ) ) { // a number
						v = parseFloat( v );
						switch( i ) {
							case 3: // only for direction letter
								return result;
							case 0:
								res[ 0 ] = v;
							case 1:
							case 2:
								if ( v < 0 || v >= 60 || res[ i - 1 ] != Math.round( res[ i - 1 ] ))
									return result;
								res[ i ] = v;
					} else { // not a number: allowed only at the last position
						if ( i == 0 || ( i + 1 ) != s.length || res[ 0 ] < 0 ||
							v.length !== 1 || !Config.COORD_LETTERS[ v ] )
							return result;
						l = Config.COORD_LETTERS[ v ];
						if ( aDir !== l.dir )
							return result;
						res[ 3 ] = l.factor;

				if ( res[ 0 ] < 0 ) {
					res[ 0 ] = -res[ 0 ];
					res[ 3 ] = -1;
				result.coord = ( res[ 0 ] + res[ 1 ] / 60 + res[ 2 ] / 3600 ) * res[ 3 ];
				result.coord = Math.round( result.coord * 1E6 ) / 1E6; // only 6 digits
			if ( coord < -mx || coord > mx || coord <= -180 )
				return result;

			result.error = 0;
			return result;

		var checkCoordinates = function() {
			var lat =;
			var long = Core.ELEMENTS.long;
			var latVal = removeComments( lat.val() );
			var longVal = removeComments( long.val() );

			var r = parseCoord( latVal, 'lat' );
			if ( r.coord !== latVal )
				lat.val( r.coord );
			var result = r.error;
			lat.toggleClass( 'listingeditor-invalid-input', r.error > 1 );

			r = parseCoord( longVal, 'long' );
			if ( r.coord !== longVal )
				long.val( r.coord );
			result += r.error;
			long.toggleClass( 'listingeditor-invalid-input', r.error > 1 );
			return result;

		var checkCoordInput = function(form, mode) {
			Core.ELEMENTS.long.blur(function() {
			}); {
			}).trigger( 'blur' );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( checkCoordInput );

			Add listeners on various fields to update the "find on map" link.
		var getValFromInput = function( sel ) {
			var el = Core.ELEMENTS[ sel ];
			if ( el.val() === '' && el.hasClass( 'listingeditor-wikidata-placeholder' ) )
				return el.attr( 'placeholder' );
				return removeComments( el.val() );			

		var getLatlngStr = function( form ) {
			var latlngStr = '?lang=' + Config.SYSTEM.wikiLang;
//			// page & location cause the geomap-link crash
//			latlngStr += '&page=' + encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) );

			var lat = getValFromInput( 'lat' );
			var long = getValFromInput( 'long' );
			if ( lat === '' || long === '' ) {
				var indicator = $( Config.SELECTORS.geoIndicator );
				lat = indicator.attr( 'data-lat' ) || '';
				long = indicator.attr( 'data-lon' ) || '';
			lat = parseCoord( lat, 'lat' );
			long = parseCoord( long, 'long' );
			if ( lat.error === 0 && long.error === 0 )
				latlngStr += '&lat=' + lat.coord + '&lon=' + long.coord + '&zoom=15';

//			var address = getValFromInput( 'address' );
//			var name = getValFromInput( 'name' );
//			if ( address !== '' )
//				latlngStr += '&location=' + encodeURIComponent( address );
//			else if ( name !== '' )
//				latlngStr += '&location=' + encodeURIComponent( name );

			return latlngStr;	

		var initFindOnMapLink = function( form, mode ) {
			$( '.addMaplink', form ).parent()
				.append( $( '<div class="input-other"><a id="geomap-link" target="_blank">' + Config.STRINGS.searchOnMap + '</a></div>' ) );

			var geolink = $( '#geomap-link', form );
			function updateGeolink() {
				geolink.attr( 'href', Config.SYSTEM.geomap + getLatlngStr( form ) );

			if ( geolink.length ) {
				Core.ELEMENTS.address.change( updateGeolink ); updateGeolink );
				Core.ELEMENTS.long.change( updateGeolink ).trigger( 'change' );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( initFindOnMapLink );

			Add listeners on type selector field.
		var typesChanged = function( values, form ) {
			var color, different = false, first = '', group, i, obj, sleep = false, val;

			// make firstType first if existent
			if ( Core.firstType !== '' ) {
				for ( i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
					if ( values[ i ] == Core.firstType ) {
						values.splice( i, 1 );
						values.unshift( Core.firstType );
					if ( i == values.length - 1 )
						Core.firstType = '';

			for ( i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
				val = values[ i ];
				for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.types )
					if ( obj.type === val ) {
						group =;
				if ( i === 0 )
					first = group;
				else if ( group != first )
					different = true;
				if ( group == 'sleep' )
					sleep = true;
			obj = ( sleep ? Config.HIDE_AND_SHOW.sleep : Config.HIDE_AND_SHOW[ first ] )
				|| Config.HIDE_AND_SHOW.default;
			for( i of )
				$( '#' + i, form ).show();
			for( i of obj.hide )
				if ( $( '#' + i + ' input', form ).val() === '' )
					$( '#' + i, form ).hide();

			// set input shadow
			color = '#f0f0f0';
			for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.groups )
				if ( === first ) {
					color = obj.color;
			obj = $( '#div_type .chosen-choices', form );
			if ( obj.length )
				obj.css( 'box-shadow', '20px 0 0 0 ' + color + ' inset' );
			else {
				// chosen plugin is maybe not yet active
				var style = '#div_type .chosen-choices { box-shadow: 20px 0 0 0 ' + color + ' inset }';
				$( 'head' ).append( '<style type="text/css">' + style + '</style>' );

			// set hint to group
			$( '.group-hint', form ).text( different ? Config.STRINGS.severalGroups : Config.STRINGS.ifNecessary );

		var initTypeSelector = function( form, mode ) { $( '<div class="input-other group-hint"></div>' ) );
			Core.ELEMENTS.type.on( 'keydown keyup change click' , function() {
				typesChanged( $( this ).val(), form );
			}).trigger( 'keyup' );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( initTypeSelector );
		var initGroupSelector = function( form, mode ) { 'keydown keyup change click', function() {
				var color = '#f0f0f0', obj;
				for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.groups )
					if ( === this.value ) {
						color = obj.color;
				$( '#input_group_chosen .chosen-single', form )
					.css( 'box-shadow', '20px 0 0 0 ' + color + ' inset' );
			}).trigger( 'keyup' );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( initGroupSelector );
		var initLastEditCheckBox = function( form, mode ) {
			$( Config.SELECTORS.editorLastedit, form ).change( function() {
				if ( this.checked && $( '#div_lastedit', form ).is( ':visible' ) )
					Core.ELEMENTS.lastedit.val( getCurrentDate() );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( initLastEditCheckBox );

		var hideEditOnlyFields = function( form, mode ) {
			if ( mode !== Core.MODE_EDIT ) {
				$( '#div_status', form ).hide();
				$( '#div_summary', form ).hide();
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( hideEditOnlyFields );

		// Check against regex
		var regexTest = function( field, val ) {
			var i, s, sRegex, test = true, valTab;
			val = val.trim();
			if ( field.sep ) {
				sRegex = new RegExp( '(' + field.sep + ')(?![^(]*\\))', 'ig' );
				valTab = val.split( sRegex );
				sRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + field.sep.replace( / /g , '' ) + ')$', 'ig' );
				for ( i = valTab.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
					valTab[ i ] = valTab[ i ].trim().replace( sRegex, '' );
					if ( valTab[ i ] === '' ) valTab.splice( i, 1 );
			} else
				valTab = [ val ];
			for ( s of valTab ) {
				test = field.regex.test( s );
				if ( !test ) break;
			return test;

		// Field checks against regex
		var initCheckAgainstRegex = function( key, field, form ) {
			var val10;
			Core.ELEMENTS[ key ].blur( function() {
				var _this = $( this, form );
				var val = removeComments( _this.val() );
				if ( field.wd && val !== '' && Core.checkYesNo( val ) !== '' )
					_this.removeClass( 'listingeditor-invalid-input' );
				else {
					val10 = val.substr( 0, 10 );
					if ( key === 'url' && !regexTest( field, val )
						&& 'ht' ) !== 0 && ':' ) < 0
						&& '//' ) < 0 ) {
						val10 = 'http://' + val;
						if ( regexTest( field, val10 ) ) {
							val = val10;
							_this.val( val );
					_this.toggleClass( 'listingeditor-invalid-input',
						val !== '' && !regexTest( field, val ) );
			}).trigger( 'blur' );

		var checkFields = function( form, mode ) {
			for ( var parameter in Config.FIELDS )
				initCheckAgainstRegex( parameter, Config.FIELDS[ parameter ], form);
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( checkFields );

		var setDefaultPlaceholders = function( form ) {
			for ( var parameter in Config.PARAMETERS ) {
				var obj = Config.PARAMETERS[ parameter ];
				if ( && ( ! || !== 'select' ) )
					Core.ELEMENTS[ parameter ].attr( 'placeholder', )
						.addClass( 'listingeditor-default-placeholder' )
						.removeClass( 'listingeditor-wikidata-placeholder' );
			$( Config.SELECTORS.wikidataLabel ).attr( 'placeholder', )
				.addClass( 'listingeditor-default-placeholder' );

		var updatePlaceholder = function( key, value ) {
			if ( value && Core.ELEMENTS[ key ] )
				Core.ELEMENTS[ key ].attr( 'placeholder', value )
					.addClass( 'listingeditor-wikidata-placeholder' )
					.removeClass( 'listingeditor-default-placeholder' )
					.trigger( 'change' );

		var updatePlaceholders = function( id, form ) {
			setDefaultPlaceholders( form );

			var success = function( jsonObj ) {
				var item, key, res;
				var addSubtypes = $( '#listingeditor-additionalSubtypes' );
				wdResults = {};
				for ( key in Config.WIKIDATA_CLAIMS ) {
					item = Config.WIKIDATA_CLAIMS[ key ];
					res = Sister.wb_getStatements( id, jsonObj, item );
					if ( res )
						wdResults[ key ] = res;
				if ( !wdResults.address && wdResults[ 'address-local' ] ) {
					wdResults.address = wdResults[ 'address-local' ];
					delete wdResults[ 'address-local' ];
				for ( key in wdResults ) {
					if ( key === 'subtype' ) {
						wdResults.subtype = Core.sortSubtypes( wdResults.subtype );;
					updatePlaceholder( key, wdResults[ key ] );
					if ( key === 'name' )
						$( Config.SELECTORS.wikidataLabel ).attr( 'placeholder', )
							.addClass( 'listingeditor-default-placeholder' );				}
			Sister.wb_getEntity( id, success );

		var wikidataLookup = function( form, mode ) {
			// get the display value for the pre-existing wikidata record ID
			var wikidataRemove = function(form) {
				$(Config.SELECTORS.wikidataLabel, form).val('');
				$('#wikidata-tools', form).hide();
				$('#div_auto', form).hide();

			var id = removeComments( Core.ELEMENTS.wikidata.val() );
			if ( id ) {
				wikidataLink( form, id );
				var success = function( jsonObj ) {
					var id = Core.ELEMENTS.wikidata.val();
					var label = Sister.wb_getLabels( id, jsonObj ) || '';
					label = !== '' ? : id;
					$( Config.SELECTORS.wikidataLabel ).val( label );
				Sister.wb_getEntity( id, success, 'labels' );
				updatePlaceholders( id, form );
			} else
			// set up autocomplete to search for results as the user types
			$( Config.SELECTORS.wikidataLabel, form ).autocomplete({
				source: function( request, response ) {
					var ajaxUrl = Sister.API_WIKIDATA;
					var ajaxData = {
						action: 'wbsearchentities',
						search: request.term,
						language: Config.SYSTEM.wikiLang,
						uselang: Config.SYSTEM.wikiLang
					var ajaxSuccess = function( jsonObj ) {
					Sister.ajaxSisterSiteSearch(ajaxUrl, ajaxData, ajaxSuccess);
				select: function(event, ui) {

					updatePlaceholders(, form );
			}).data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
				var label = item.label + " <small>" + + "</small>";
				if ( item.description )
					label += "<br /><small>" + item.description + "</small>";
				return $("<li>").data('ui-autocomplete-item', item).append($("<a>").html(label)).appendTo(ul);
			// add a listener to the "remove" button so that links can be deleted
			$('#wikidata-remove', form).click(function() {
				if ( confirm( Config.STRINGS.deleteMessage ) )
			$( Config.SELECTORS.wikidataLabel, form ).change(function() {
				if ( !$(this).val() )
			$( '#listingeditor-additionalSubtypes a', form ).click( function() {
				var msg = '', t;
				if ( wdResults.subtype )
					for ( t of wdResults.subtype ) {
						if ( msg !== '')
							msg += ', ';
						t = t.split( ':' );
						t[ 1 ] = t.length > 1 ? parseInt( t[ 1 ] ) : 1;
						if ( !Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ t[ 0 ] ] )
						t[ 0 ] = Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ t[ 0 ] ].n; // translate subtypes
						if ( t[ 0 ].indexOf( '[' ) > -1 ) {
							if ( t[ 1 ] > 1 )
								t[ 0 ] = t[ 1 ] + ' ' + t[ 0 ].replace( /\[([^\[\]]*)(\|[^\[\]]*)?\]/g, '$1' );
								t[ 0 ] = t[ 0 ].replace( /\[([^\[\]]*)\|([^\[\]]*)\]/g, '$2' );
						msg += t[ 0 ].replace( /\[([^\[\]]*)\]/g, '' )
							.replace( /[,;\/].*$/ig, '' );
					if ( msg === '' )
						msg = Config.STRINGS.unknownSubtypes;
					alert( Config.STRINGS.additionalSubtypes + ':\n\n' + msg );
			$('#wikidata-shared', form).click(function() {
				updateWikidataSharedFields( form );
			Core.ELEMENTS.image.parent().append( $( '<div id="image-value-link" class="input-other"></div>' ) );
			Sister.initializeSisterSiteAutocomplete( {
				apiUrl: Sister.API_COMMONS,
				selector: Core.ELEMENTS.image,
				form: form,
				ajaxData: { namespace: 6 },
				updateLinkFunction: commonsLink
			} );
			Core.ELEMENTS.commonscat.parent().append( $( '<div id="commonscat-value-link" class="input-other"></div>' ) );
			Sister.initializeSisterSiteAutocomplete( {
				apiUrl: Sister.API_COMMONS,
				selector: Core.ELEMENTS.commonscat,
				form: form,
				ajaxData: { namespace: 14 },
				updateLinkFunction: commonscatLink
			} );

		var updateSiteLink = function(siteLinkData, form) {
			var input = $( siteLinkData.inputSelector, form );
			var siteLink = $(siteLinkData.linkSelector, form);
			var val = removeComments( input.val() || '' );
			if ( val === '' && input.hasClass( 'listingeditor-wikidata-placeholder' ) )
				val = input.attr( 'placeholder' );
			if ( val === '' )
			else {
				siteLinkData.href = Config.SYSTEM.Commons + '/wiki/'
					+ mw.util.wikiUrlencode(siteLinkData.namespace + val);
				var link = $("<a />", {
					target: "_new",
					href: siteLinkData.href,
					title: siteLinkData.linkTitle
				}).append( $( siteLinkData.text ) );

		var commonsLink = function(value, form) {
			var siteLinkData = {
				inputSelector: '#input-image',
				linkSelector: '#image-value-link',
				namespace: 'File:',
				linkTitle: Config.STRINGS.viewCommonsPageTitle,
				text: Config.STRINGS.linkText
			updateSiteLink( siteLinkData, form );

		var commonscatLink = function(value, form) {
			var siteLinkData = {
				inputSelector: '#input-commonscat',
				linkSelector: '#commonscat-value-link',
				namespace: 'Category:',
				linkTitle: Config.STRINGS.viewCommonscatPageTitle,
				text: Config.STRINGS.linkText
			updateSiteLink( siteLinkData, form );

		var updateFieldIfNotNull = function( key, value ) {
			if ( value )
				Core.ELEMENTS[ key ].val( value );

		var updateWikidataSharedFields = function( form ) {
			var key, msg = '';

			for ( key in wdResults )
				msg += '\n' + Config.PARAMETERS[ key ].label + ': '
					+ ( typeof wdResults[ key ] == 'object' ? wdResults[ key ].join( ', ' ) : wdResults[ key ] );

			if ( msg !== '' ) {
				if ( confirm( Config.STRINGS.wikidataShared + '\n' + msg ) ) {
					for ( key in wdResults ) {
						switch( key ) {
							case 'image':
								updateFieldIfNotNull( 'image', wdResults.image );
								commonsLink( wdResults.image, form );
							case 'commonscat':
								updateFieldIfNotNull( 'commonscat', wdResults.commonscat );
								commonscatLink( wdResults.commonscat, form );
							case 'subtype':
								if ( wdResults.subtype.length ) {
									var sel = Core.ELEMENTS.subtype, i, j;
									var old = sel.val();
									for ( i = 0; i < old.length; i++ ) {
										for ( j = wdResults.subtype.length - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
											if ( wdResults.subtype[ j ] == old[ i ] ) {
												wdResults.subtype.splice( j, 1 );
									sel.val( old.concat( wdResults.subtype ) )
										.trigger( 'chosen:updated' );
								updateFieldIfNotNull( key, wdResults[ key ] );
					} '' ).trigger( 'chosen:updated' );;
			} else
				alert( Config.STRINGS.wikidataSharedNotFound );

		var parseWikiDataResult = function( jsonObj ) {
			var results = [];
			for ( var result of $( ) ) {
				var label = result.label;
				if ( result.match && result.match.text )
					label = result.match.text;
				var data = {
					value: label,
					label: label,
					description: result.description,
				results.push( data );
			return results;

		var wikidataLink = function(form, value) {
			$( '#wikidata-value-link', form ).html( $( '<a />', {
				target: '_new',
				href: Config.SYSTEM.Wikidata + '/wiki/' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(value),
				title: Config.STRINGS.viewWikidataPage,
				text: value
			}) ); 'y' ).trigger( 'chosen:updated' );
			$( '#wikidata-value-display-container', form ).show();
			$( '#div_auto', form ).show();
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( wikidataLookup );

		var selectPreview = function(form, mode) {
			$( 'input[name=previewSelect]', form ).click( function() {
				var checked = $( '#select-preview', form ).prop( 'checked' );
				$( '#listingeditor-preview-text', form ).toggle( checked );
				$( '#listingeditor-preview-syntax', form ).toggle( !checked );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( selectPreview );

		var addLinks = function( form, mode ) {
			$( '.addLink', form ).each( function() {
				var _this = $( this );
				var id = _this.attr('id').replace( 'input-', '' );
				_this.parent().append( $( '<div class="input-other"></div>' )
					.attr( 'id', 'link-' + id ) );
				_this.change( function() {
					var val = removeComments( _this.val() );
					if ( val === '' && _this.hasClass( 'listingeditor-wikidata-placeholder' ) )
						val = _this.attr( 'placeholder' );
					if ( val !== '' && Core.checkYesNo( val ) === '' ) {
						if ( val.indexOf( 'http' ) )
							val = mw.format( Config.LINK_FORMATTERS[ id ], val );
						var link = $( '<a />', {
							target: '_new',
							href: val,
							title: Config.STRINGS.linkTitle,
						}).append( $( Config.STRINGS.linkText ) ) ;
						$( '#link-' + id, form ).html( link );
					} else
						$( '#link-' + id, form ).empty();
					var tabables = $( "input[tabindex != '-1']:visible", form );
					var index = tabables.index( this );
					if ( ! ':focus' ) )
						tabables.eq( index + 1 ).focus();
				}).trigger( 'change' );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( addLinks );

		var chosenInit = function( form, mode ) {
			$( '.chosen-select', form ).chosen( Config.CHOSEN_OPTIONS ); function() {
				var coordGroup = $( '#listing-show-coordinate option', form );
				var isCoord = false;
				coordGroup.each( function() {
					if ( $( this ).is( ':selected' ) )
						isCoord = true;
				if ( isCoord )
					coordGroup.each( function() {
						if ( !$( this ).is( ':selected' ) )
							$( this ).prop( 'disabled', true );
					coordGroup.prop( 'disabled', false );

				var showGroup = $( '#listing-show-block option', form );
				var isShow = false;
				showGroup.each( function() {
					if ( $( this ).is( ':selected' ) )
						isShow = true;
				if ( isShow )
					showGroup.each( function() {
						if ( !$( this ).is( ':selected' ) )
							$( this ).prop( 'disabled', true );
					showGroup.prop( 'disabled', false );

				$( this ).trigger( 'chosen:updated' );
			}).trigger( 'change' ); 'keyup' );
		CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( chosenInit );
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

			Return the current date in the format "2020-01-31".
		var getCurrentDate = function() {
			var today = new Date();
			var date = today.getFullYear() + '-';
			// Date.getMonth() returns 0-11
			date += ( today.getMonth() + 1 ).toString().padStart( 2, '0' ) + '-';
			return date + today.getDate().toString().padStart( 2, '0' );

			Only update last edit date if this is a new listing or if the
			"information up-to-date" box checked.
		var updateLastEditDate = function( listing, mode ) {
			var currentDate = getCurrentDate();
			if ( $( Config.SELECTORS.editorLastedit ).is( ':checked' ) || 
					mode == Core.MODE_ADD &&
							listing.hours + listing.checkin + listing.checkout
							+ listing.price !== ''
				listing.lastedit = currentDate;
				if ( listing.lastedit !== '' ) {
					listing.lastedit = listing.lastedit.replace( /\-(\d)\-/g, '-0$1-' )
						.replace( /\-(\d)$/g, '-0$1' );
					if ( listing.lastedit !== currentDate && confirm( Config.STRINGS.updateLastedit ) )
						// with OK/Cancel buttons, Yes/No is more complex
						listing.lastedit = currentDate;
		SUBMIT_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( updateLastEditDate );

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		 * Verify all listings have at least a name, address or alt value.
		var validateListingHasData = function( validationFailureMessages ) {
			var name =;
			var wikidata = Core.ELEMENTS.wikidata.val();
			// Fill name field from Wikidata
			if ( name.val() === '' && wikidata !== '' &&
				name.filter( '.listingeditor-wikidata-placeholder' ).length > 0 ) {
				name.val( name.attr( 'placeholder' ) );
			if ( name.val() === '' && Core.ELEMENTS.address.val() === '' &&
				Core.ELEMENTS.alt.val() === '' && wikidata === '' ) 
				validationFailureMessages.push( Config.STRINGS.validationEmptyListing );
		VALIDATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( validateListingHasData );

			Delete group parameter if identical to types group.
		var isGroupNecessary = function( validationFailureMessages ) {
			var types = Core.ELEMENTS.type.val();
			var group =;
			var wikidata = Core.ELEMENTS.wikidata.val();

			if ( types.length === 0 && group.val() === '' && wikidata === '' ) {
			if ( types.length === 0 )

			var different = false, first = '', i, obj;
			for ( i = 0; i < types.length; i++ )
				for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.types )
					if ( types[ i ] === obj.type ) {
						if ( i === 1 )
							first =;
						if ( first !== )
							different = true;
			if ( different )
			// if type group equals group then delete group
			if ( first === group )
				group.val( '' );
		VALIDATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( isGroupNecessary );

			Validate coordinates
		var validateCoords = function( validationFailureMessages ) {
			var lat = removeComments( );
			var long = removeComments( Core.ELEMENTS.long.val() );
			if ( lat === '' && long === '' )
			if ( lat === '' ) {
				validationFailureMessages.push( Config.STRINGS.validationMissingCoord );
			if ( long === '' ) {
				validationFailureMessages.push( Config.STRINGS.validationMissingCoord );
			if ( checkCoordinates() > 0 )
				validationFailureMessages.push( Config.STRINGS.validationCoord );
		VALIDATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( validateCoords );
			Implement SIMPLE RegExp validation. Invalid entries can
			still get through, but this method implements a minimal amount of
			validation in order to catch the worst offenders.

		var validateFields = function( validationFailureMessages ) {
			var field, parameter, val;
			for ( parameter in Config.FIELDS ) {
				field = Config.FIELDS[ parameter ];
				val = Core.ELEMENTS[ parameter ].val().trim();
				if ( field.wd && val !== '' && Core.checkYesNo( val ) !== '' )
				if ( val !== '' && !regexTest( field, val ) )
					validationFailureMessages.push( field.m );
		VALIDATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( validateFields );

		// remove identical names
		var ckeckNames = function( key1, key2 ) {
			var val = removeComments( Core.ELEMENTS[ key1 ].val().toLowerCase() ); // case-insensitve check
			if ( val !== '' && val === removeComments( Core.ELEMENTS[ key2 ].val().toLowerCase() ) ) {
				Core.ELEMENTS[ key2 ].val( '' );
				return 1;
			return 0;

		var checkMultipleNames = function( validationFailureMessages ) {
			var result = ckeckNames( 'name', 'name-local' );
			result += ckeckNames( 'alt', 'comment' );
			result += ckeckNames( 'name', 'alt' );
			result += ckeckNames( 'name', 'comment' );
			result += ckeckNames( 'address', 'address-local' );
			result += ckeckNames( 'directions', 'directions-local' );
			if ( result > 0 )
				validationFailureMessages.push( Config.STRINGS.validationNames );
		VALIDATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.push( checkMultipleNames );

		// expose public members
		return {
			removeComments: removeComments,
			setDefaultPlaceholders: setDefaultPlaceholders

// ---------------------------------- Sister ----------------------------------

		Sister implements functionality for information
		interchange to Wikimedia sister websites

	var Sister = function() {
		var API_WIKIDATA = Config.SYSTEM.Wikidata + '/w/api.php';
		var API_COMMONS = Config.SYSTEM.Commons + '/w/api.php';

		var initializeSisterSiteAutocomplete = function( siteData ) {
			var sel = $( siteData.selector );
			var currentValue = sel.val();
			if ( currentValue )
				siteData.updateLinkFunction( currentValue, siteData.form );
			sel.change( function() {
				siteData.updateLinkFunction( sel.val(), siteData.form );
			siteData.selectFunction = function(event, ui) {
				siteData.updateLinkFunction(ui.item.value, siteData.form);
			var ajaxData = siteData.ajaxData;
			ajaxData.action = 'opensearch';
			ajaxData.list = 'search';
			ajaxData.limit = 10;
			ajaxData.redirects = 'resolve';
			var parseAjaxResponse = function( jsonObj ) {
				var results = [], i, title;
				var titleResults = $( jsonObj[ 1 ] );
				for ( i = 0; i < titleResults.length; i++ ) {
					title = titleResults[ i ];
					results.push( {
						value: title.replace( /^(File:|Category:)/i, '' ),
						label: title,
						description: $( jsonObj[ 2 ] )[ i ],
						link: $( jsonObj[ 3 ] )[ i ]
					} );
				return results;
			initializeAutocomplete( siteData, ajaxData, parseAjaxResponse );

		var initializeAutocomplete = function( siteData, ajaxData, parseAjaxResponse ) {
			var autocompleteOptions = {
				source: function( request, response ) { = request.term;
					var ajaxSuccess = function( jsonObj ) {
						response( parseAjaxResponse( jsonObj ) );
					ajaxSisterSiteSearch( siteData.apiUrl, ajaxData, ajaxSuccess );
			if ( siteData.selectFunction ) = siteData.selectFunction;
			siteData.selector.autocomplete( autocompleteOptions )
				.data( 'ui-autocomplete' )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
					var isImage = item.label.match( /^(File:)/i );
					var label = item.label.replace( /^(File:|Category:)/i, '' );
					if ( isImage )
						label = '<span class="autocomplete-thumbnail" style="background-image: url(&quot;'
							+ label.replace( /' '/g, '_' ) + '?width=200&quot;);"></span> ' + label;
					return $( '<li>' ).data( 'ui-autocomplete-item', item )
						.append( $( '<a>' ).html( label ) ).appendTo(ul);

		// perform an ajax query of a sister site
		var ajaxSisterSiteSearch = function( url, data, success ) {
			data.format = 'json';
				url: url,
				data: data,
				dataType: 'jsonp',
				success: success

		// Wikidata support
		var wb_getEntity = function( id, success, props ) {
			props = props || 'labels|claims|datatype';
			var languages = [].concat( Config.SYSTEM.searchLang );
			if ( Config.SYSTEM.localLang !== '' )
				languages.push( Config.SYSTEM.localLang );
			languages = languages.join( '|' );
			var data = {
				action: 'wbgetentities',
				ids: id,
				languages: languages,
				props: props
			ajaxSisterSiteSearch( API_WIKIDATA, data, success );

		// parse the wikidata "entity" object from the wikidata response
		var wb_checkEntity = function( id, jsonObj ) {
			return jsonObj && jsonObj.entities && jsonObj.entities[ id ] ? jsonObj.entities[ id ] : null;

		// parse the wikidata display label from the wikidata response
		var wb_getLabels = function( id, jsonObj ) {
			var entityObj = wb_checkEntity( id, jsonObj );
			if ( !entityObj || !entityObj.labels )
				return null;
			var wiki = '', local = '', lang;
			for ( lang of Config.SYSTEM.searchLang )
				if ( entityObj.labels[ lang ] ) {
					wiki = entityObj.labels[ lang ].value;
			if ( Config.SYSTEM.localLang !== '' && entityObj.labels[ Config.SYSTEM.localLang ] )
				local = entityObj.labels[ Config.SYSTEM.localLang ].value;
			return { wiki: wiki, local: local };

		var wb_getAllStatements = function( entityClaims, property ) {
			var obj, propertyObj, statements = [];
			if ( !entityClaims || !entityClaims[ property ] )
				return statements;
			propertyObj = entityClaims[ property ];
			if ( !propertyObj || propertyObj.length === 0 )
				return statements;

			for ( obj of propertyObj )
				if ( obj.mainsnak && obj.mainsnak.snaktype === 'value' &&
					obj.mainsnak.datavalue )
					statements.push( {
						value: obj.mainsnak.datavalue.value,
						qualifiers: obj.qualifiers,
//						references: obj.references,
						rank: obj.rank
					} );
			return statements;

		var wb_getBestStatements = function( entityClaims, property ) {
			var statements = [];
			var allStatements = wb_getAllStatements( entityClaims, property );
			if ( !allStatements || allStatements.length === 0 )
				return statements;

			var rank = 'normal', statement;
			for ( statement of allStatements )
				if ( statement.rank === rank )
					statements.push( { value: statement.value, qualifiers: statement.qualifiers } );
				else if ( statement.rank === 'preferred' ) {
					rank = 'preferred';
					// remove all previous statements
					statements = [ { value: statement.value, qualifiers: statement.qualifiers } ];
			return statements;

		// get Wikidata Id label
		var wb_getIdLabel = function( id ) {
			var arr, label;
			for ( arr of Config.MODULE_TABLES.q_ids )
				if ( arr ) label = label || arr[ id ];
			return label || id;

		// format Wikidata quantity
		var wb_getAmount = function( amount ) {
			var a = '' + amount;
			if ( Config.STRINGS.decimalPoint !== '.' )
				a = a.replace( /\./g, Config.STRINGS.decimalPoint );
			return a.replace( /^\+/g, '' );

		var wb_getUnit = function( unit ) {
			var u = ( '' + unit ).replace( /https?:\/\/\/entity\//ig, '' );
			return u === '1' ? '' : u;

		var getQuantity = function( value ) {
			var val = wb_getAmount( value.amount );
			if ( val === '0' ) return '0';
			var unit = wb_getUnit( value.unit );
			if ( unit === '' ) return val;

			var item = Config.MODULE_TABLES.currencies[ unit ];
			if ( item )
				unit = item.f || ( '%s ' + item.iso );
				unit = '%s ' + wb_getIdLabel( unit );
			return unit.replace( /%s/g, val ).replace( /&nbsp;/g, ' ' );

		var getHours = function( statement ) {
			function getItems( parts, prop1, prop2 ) {
				var arr = [], end, i, start;
				var count = Math.max( parts[ prop1 ].length, parts[ prop2 ].length );
				for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
					start = parts[ prop1 ][ i ];
					end = parts[ prop2 ][ i ];
					if ( start && end )
						arr.push( start + '–' + end );
						arr.push( start || end );
				return arr.join( ',' );

			var i, item, parts = {}, property;
			var result = wb_getIdLabel( );

			var dayOpen = Config.PROPERTIES.dayOpen;
			var dayClosed = Config.PROPERTIES.dayClosed;
			var hourOpen = Config.PROPERTIES.hourOpen;
			var hourClosed = Config.PROPERTIES.hourClosed;

			if ( statement.qualifiers ) {
				for ( property of Config.COMMENTS.hours ) {
					parts[ property ] = [];
					if ( statement.qualifiers[ property ] )
						for ( item of statement.qualifiers[ property ] )
							if ( item.snaktype === 'value' && item.datavalue.type === 'wikibase-entityid' )
								parts[ property ].push( wb_getIdLabel( ) );
				item = getItems( parts, hourOpen, hourClosed );
				if ( item !== '' ) result += ' ' + item;
				item = getItems( parts, dayOpen, dayClosed );
				if ( item !== '' ) result += ' (' + item + ')';
			return result;

		var getComments = function( qualifiers, properties ) {
			if ( typeof( qualifiers ) == 'undefined' ) return '';
			var comments = [], item, minAge, maxAge, property, value;
			var minimumAge = Config.PROPERTIES.minimumAge;
			var maximumAge = Config.PROPERTIES.maximumAge;
			for ( property of properties ) {
				if ( typeof( qualifiers[ property ] ) == 'undefined' ) continue;

				if ( property === minimumAge )
					minAge = getQuantity( qualifiers[ property ][ 0 ].datavalue.value );
				else if ( property === maximumAge )
					maxAge = getQuantity( qualifiers[ property ][ 0 ].datavalue.value );
					for ( item of qualifiers[ property ] )
						if ( item.snaktype === 'value' ) {
							value = item.datavalue.value;
							switch( item.datavalue.type ) {
								case 'monolingual':
									value = value.text;
								case 'wikibase-entityid':
									value = wb_getIdLabel( );
							if ( typeof( value ) === 'string' && value !== '' )
								comments.push( value );

			if ( minAge && maxAge )
				comments.push( Config.STRINGS.fromTo
					.replace( '%s', parseInt( minAge ) ).replace( '%s', maxAge ) );
			else if ( minAge )
				comments.push( Config.STRINGS.from.replace( '%s', minAge ) );
			else if ( maxAge )
				comments.push( '%s', maxAge ) );

			return ( comments.length === 0 ) ? '' : ' (' + comments.join( ', ' ) + ')';

		// parse the wikidata "claim" object from the wikidata response
		var wb_getStatements = function( id, jsonObj, claim ) {
			if ( claim.type === 'label' ) {
				var labels = wb_getLabels( id, jsonObj );
				if ( labels ) {
					if ( claim.which === 'wiki' && && !== '' )
					if ( claim.which === 'local' && labels.local && labels.local !== '' )
						return labels.local;
				return null;

			var entity = wb_checkEntity( id, jsonObj );
			if ( !entity || ! )
				return null;

			var count, lang, pos, property, properties, val, values, results = [],
				statement, statements;

			properties = typeof claim.p == 'string' ? [ claim.p ] : claim.p;
			for ( property of properties ) {
				statements = wb_getBestStatements(, property );
				if ( statements.length === 0 )
				claim.max = claim.max || 1;
				if ( claim.max < statements.length )
					statements.splice( claim.max, statements.length );

				switch( claim.type ) {
					case 'monolingual':
						values = {};
						for ( statement of statements ) {
							lang = statement.value.language;
							pos = lang.indexOf( '-' );
							if ( pos >= 0 )
								lang = lang.substr( 0, pos );
							values[ lang ] = statement.value.text;
						if ( claim.which == 'wiki' )
							for ( lang of Config.SYSTEM.searchLang ) {
								val = values[ lang ];
								if ( val ) {
									results.push( val );
						else {
							val = values[ Config.SYSTEM.localLang ];
							if ( val )
								results.push( val );
					case 'au': // fees
						for ( statement of statements )
							results.push( getQuantity( statement.value )
								+ getComments( statement.qualifiers, Config.COMMENTS.fee ) );
					case 'subtype':
					case 'id':
						for ( statement of statements ) {
							if ( typeof claim.table == 'object' )
								if ( claim.table[ ] ) {
									// subtype
									count = 1;
									var quantity = Config.PROPERTIES.quantity;
									if ( statement.qualifiers && statement.qualifiers[ quantity ] ) {
										count = parseInt( getQuantity( statement.qualifiers[ quantity ][ 0 ].datavalue.value ) );
										if ( typeof( count ) != 'number' || count < 2 )
											count = 1;
									val = claim.table[ ];
									if ( count > 1 ) val += ':' + count;
									results.push( val );
								} else
									results.push( wb_getIdLabel( ) );
								results.push( wb_getIdLabel( ) );
					case 'hours':
						for ( statement of statements ) {
							val = getHours( statement );
							if ( val !== '' ) results.push( val );
						for ( statement of statements ) {
							switch( claim.type ) {
								case 'coordinate':
									if ( claim.which == 'latitude' )
										val = Math.round( statement.value.latitude * 1E6 ) / 1E6;
										val = Math.round( statement.value.longitude * 1E6 ) / 1E6;
								case 'email':
								case 'contact':
									val = statement.value.replace( 'mailto:', '' )
										+ getComments( statement.qualifiers, );
									val = statement.value;
							results.push( val );
				} // switch type
			} // for property

			if ( results.length === 0 )
				return null;
			else {
				if ( claim.result && claim.result == 'table' )
					return results;
					return results.join( ', ' );

		// expose public members
		return {
			initializeSisterSiteAutocomplete: initializeSisterSiteAutocomplete,
			ajaxSisterSiteSearch: ajaxSisterSiteSearch,
			wb_getEntity: wb_getEntity,
			wb_getLabels: wb_getLabels,
			wb_getStatements: wb_getStatements

// ----------------------------------- Core -----------------------------------

		Core contains code that should be shared across different
		Wikivoyage languages.  This code uses the custom configurations in the
		Config and Callback modules to initialize
		the listing editor and process add and update requests for listings.

	var Core = function() {
		var api = new mw.Api();
		var MODE_ADD = 'add';
		var MODE_EDIT = 'edit';
		var ELEMENTS = {};

		// selector that identifies the edit link as created by the
		// addEditButtons() function
		var EDIT_LINK_SELECTOR = '.listing-edit-button a';
		var SAVE_FORM_SELECTOR = '#progress-dialog';
		var LOADING_FORM_SELECTOR = '#loading-dialog';
		var CAPTCHA_FORM_SELECTOR = '#captcha-dialog';

		var addButtonSelector = 'listing-add-button';
		var contentSelector = '';
		var displayBlock = false;
		var firstType = '';
		var inlineListing, inlineDetected,
			replacements = {}, selectComments = {}, sectionText;

			Form additions before populating the form inputs

		var additionsToForm = function(mode, clicked, form) {
			var c, data, dataFor, obj, t;

			var listing = clicked.closest( '.vcard' ), body = $( 'body' );
			var getAttr = function( attr ) {
				var d = mode === MODE_EDIT ? listing.attr( attr ) : null;
				return d || body.attr( attr ) || '';

			var addAlias = function( tab, aliasObj, indx ) {
				if ( !tab || !aliasObj || !aliasObj.alias ) return;

				var t = aliasObj[ indx ].replace( /[_\s]+/g, '_' );
				if ( typeof( aliasObj.alias ) === 'string' )
					tab[ aliasObj.alias ] = t;
					for ( var alias of aliasObj.alias )
						tab[ alias ] = t;

			var addOption = function( selector, value, label ) {
				selector.append( $( '<option></option>' ).attr( 'value', value ).text( label ) );

			var addChar = function( char, dataFor, title, dataType ) {
				return mw.format( ' <span class="editor-charinsert" data-for="$1" data-type="$2"><a href="javascript:" title="$3">$4</a></span>',
					dataFor, dataType || '', title, char );	

			Callbacks.setDefaultPlaceholders( form );

			// setting search languages
			var localLang = getAttr( 'data-lang' );
			Config.SYSTEM.localLang = '';
			if ( Config.SYSTEM.wikiLang != localLang )
				Config.SYSTEM.localLang = localLang;
			Config.SYSTEM.searchLang = [ Config.SYSTEM.wikiLang ];
			for ( c of Config.SYSTEM.addSearchLang )
				if ( c != Config.SYSTEM.wikiLang && c != localLang )
					Config.SYSTEM.searchLang.push( c );

			// adding language to local names
			$( '.editor-foreign', form ).attr( 'dir', getAttr( 'data-dir' ) ).attr( 'lang', localLang );
			$( '.addLocalLang', form ).each( function() {
				$( this ).parent().append( $( '<div class="input-other editor-local-lang"></div>' ) );
			data = getAttr( 'data-lang-name' );
			if ( data !== '' && localLang != Config.SYSTEM.wikiLang )
				$( '.editor-local-lang', form ).text( data );

			// adding national and international currency symbols
			$( '.addCurrencies', form ).each( function() {
				$( this ).parent().append( $( '<div class="input-other currency-chars"></div>' ) );

			var html = '';
			data = getAttr( 'data-currency' );
			if ( data !== '' ) {
				var natlCurrencies = data.split( ',' ).map( function( item ) {
					return addChar( item.trim(), 'input-price', Config.STRINGS.natlCurrencyTitle, 'currency-char' );
				if ( natlCurrencies.length )
					html += natlCurrencies.join( '' ) + ' |';
			for ( c of Config.CHARS.intlCurrencies )
				html += addChar( c, 'input-price', Config.STRINGS.intlCurrencyTitle, 'currency-char' );
			$( '.currency-chars', form ).append( html );

			// adding country and local calling code
			$( '.addCC', form ).each( function() {
				var _this = $( this );
					$( mw.format( '<div class="input-other input-cc$1" data-for="$2"></div>',
						_this.hasClass( 'addLocalCC' ) ? ' input-cc-local' : '', _this.attr( 'id' ) ) ) );

			var ccLocal = [];
			data = getAttr( 'data-local-calling-code' );
			if ( data !== '' ) {
				var trunkPrefix = getAttr( 'data-trunk-prefix' );
				ccLocal = data.split( ',' ).map( function( item ) {
					item = item.trim();
					// adding trunk prefix if missing
					if ( trunkPrefix !== '' && item.substr( 0, trunkPrefix.length ) !== trunkPrefix )
						item = trunkPrefix + item;
					return item;

			data = getAttr( 'data-country-calling-code' );
			if ( data !== ''  || ccLocal.length > 0 ) {
				$( '.input-cc', form ).each( function() {
					html = '';
					dataFor = $( this ).attr( 'data-for' );
					if ( data !== '' )
						html += addChar( data, dataFor, Config.STRINGS.callingCodeTitle, 'phone-char' );
					$( this ).append( html );
				$( '.input-cc-local', form ).each( function() {
					html = '';
					dataFor = $( this ).attr( 'data-for' );
					for ( c of ccLocal ) {
						// exception for Italy and San Marino
						if ( data !== '+39' && data !== '+378' )
							c = c.replace(/^0/ig, '(0)');
						html += addChar( c, dataFor, Config.STRINGS.callingCodeTitle, 'phone-char' );
					$( this ).append( html );

			// adding counter and special chars to description label
			html = '<br /><br />';
			for ( c of Config.CHARS.specialChars )
				html += addChar( c, 'input-description', Config.STRINGS.specialCharsTitle );
			$( '#div_description label', form ).parent()
				.append( $( '<br /><span id="counter-description"></span>' ) )
				.append( html );

			// populating select fields
			for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.types ) {
				addOption( Core.ELEMENTS.type, obj.type, obj.label );
				Config.MODULE_TABLES.typeList[ obj.type ] = obj.label; // label is dummy value
				addAlias( Config.MODULE_TABLES.typeAliases, obj, 'type' );

			for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.groups ) {
				if ( ! )
					addOption(,, obj.label );
				Config.MODULE_TABLES.groupList[ ] = obj.label;
				addAlias( Config.MODULE_TABLES.groupAliases, obj, 'group' );
			for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.groups )
				if ( && === 'color' )
					addOption(,, obj.label );

			var subtypeQualifiers = {};
			if ( Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypes )
				for ( obj of Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypes ) {
					addOption( Core.ELEMENTS.subtype, obj.type, obj.n
						.replace( /\[([^\[\]]*)\|([^\[\]]*)\]/ig, '$2' )
						.replace( /\[([^\[\]]*)\]/ig, '' ) );
					Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ obj.type ] = { g: obj.g, wd: obj.wd, n: obj.n, f: obj.f };
					addAlias( Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeAliases, obj, 'type' );
					if ( typeof obj.wd === 'string' )
						subtypeQualifiers[ obj.wd ] = obj.type;
						for ( t of obj.wd ) subtypeQualifiers[ t ] = obj.type;
			Config.WIKIDATA_CLAIMS.subtype.table = subtypeQualifiers;

		var splitParameters = function( parameter, table, aliases, aliases2, form, selector ) {
			parameter = parameter.toLowerCase()
				.split( ',' ).map( function( item ) {
					return item.trim();
			// translate aliases to types
			for ( var i in parameter ) {
				parameter[ i ] = parameter[ i ].replace(/[_\s]+/g, '_');
				if ( aliases2 && aliases2[ parameter[ i ] ] )
					parameter[ i ] = aliases2[ parameter[ i ] ];
				if ( aliases && aliases[ parameter[ i ] ] )
					parameter[ i ] = aliases[ parameter[ i ] ];
			// remove duplicates
			parameter = parameter.filter( function( value, index, self ) {
				return self.indexOf( value ) === index;
			for ( i = parameter.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
				// remove empty items
				if ( !parameter[ i ] || parameter[ i ] === '' ) {
					parameter.splice( i, 1 );
				// handle unknown items (custom types)
				if ( !table[ parameter[ i ] ] ) {
					if ( !selector || selector === '' )
						parameter.splice( i, 1 );
						$( selector, form )
							.append('<option value="' + parameter[ i ] + '">' + parameter[ i ] + '</option>');
			return parameter;

		var checkShowOptions = function( parameter ) {
			var options = {}, i, par;
			for ( par of parameter )
				options[ par ] = 'o';
			if ( options.poi && options.coord && !options.all ) {
				options.all = 'o';
				parameter.push( 'all' );
			for ( i = parameter.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
				if ( ( options.none || options.all ) &&
					( parameter[ i ] === 'poi' || parameter[ i ] === 'coord' ) )
					parameter.splice( i, 1 );
				if ( options.none && parameter[ i ] === 'all' )
					parameter.splice( i, 1 );
				if ( options.inline && parameter[ i ] === 'outdent' )
					parameter.splice( i, 1 );
			return parameter;

			Generate the form UI for the listing editor.  If editing an existing
			listing, pre-populate the form input fields with the existing values.
		var createForm = function( mode, listingAsMap, clicked ) {
			var form = $( Config.EDITOR_FORM_HTML );

			for ( var parameter in Config.PARAMETERS )
				ELEMENTS[ parameter ] = $( '#' + Config.getInputId( parameter ), form );

			additionsToForm( mode, clicked, form );

			// multiple select lists
			var l = listingAsMap.type || '';
			l = splitParameters( l, Config.MODULE_TABLES.typeList,
				Config.MODULE_TABLES.typeAliases, Config.MODULE_TABLES.groupAliases, form, '#input-type' );
			if ( l.length ) firstType = l[ 0 ];
			listingAsMap.type = l;

			l =;
			if ( l && Config.MODULE_TABLES.groupAliases[ l ] ) = Config.MODULE_TABLES.groupAliases[ l ];
			if ( l && l !== '' && !Config.MODULE_TABLES.groupList[ l ] ) '<option value="' + l + '">' + l + '</option>' );

			l = listingAsMap.subtype || '';
			l = splitParameters( l, Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList,
				Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeAliases, null, form, '#input-subtype' );
			listingAsMap.subtype = l;

			l = || '';
			l = splitParameters( l, Config.SHOW_OPTIONS, null, null, form, null );
			l = checkShowOptions( l ); = l;

			l = || '';
			if ( l === '' && mode === MODE_EDIT ) = clicked.closest( '.vcard' ).attr( 'data-name' ) || '';
			if ( listingAsMap.wikidata && ! ) = 'y';

			// populate the empty form with existing values
			for ( parameter in Config.PARAMETERS ) {
				var parameterInfo = Config.PARAMETERS[ parameter ];
				if ( listingAsMap[ parameter] )
					ELEMENTS[ parameter ].val( listingAsMap[ parameter ] );
				else if ( parameterInfo.hideDivIfEmpty )
					$( '#' + parameterInfo.hideDivIfEmpty, form ).hide();
			for ( var f of Callbacks.CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS )
				f( form, mode );
			return form;

			Wrap the h2/h3 heading tag and everything up to the next section
			(including sub-sections) in a div to make it easier to traverse the DOM.
			This change introduces the potential for code incompatibility should the
			div cause any CSS or UI conflicts.
		var getContentSelector = function() {
			var containers = [ '#bodyContent', '#mw_contentwrapper' ]; // Vector, Modern
			for ( var c of containers )
				if ( $( c ).length ) {
					contentSelector = c;
			return contentSelector;

		var wrapContent = function() {
			$( contentSelector + ' h2' ).each( function() {
				if ( $( this ).closest( '.toctitle' ).length === 0 ) // not for toc
					$( this ).nextUntil( 'h1, h2')
						.wrapAll( '<div class="mw-h2section" />' );
			$( contentSelector + ' h3' ).each( function() {
				$( this ).nextUntil( 'h1, h2, h3' )
					.wrapAll( '<div class="mw-h3section" />' );

		var unwrapContent = function() {
			$( '.mw-h3section' ).replaceWith( function() {
				return $( this ).contents();
			$( '.mw-h2section' ).replaceWith( function() {
				return $( this ).contents();

			Place an "add listing" link at the top of each section heading next to
			the "edit" link in the section heading.
		var addListingButtons = function() {
			if ( $( Config.DISALLOW_ADD_LISTING_IF_PRESENT.join( ',' ) ).length )
				return false;
			for ( var sectionId in Config.SECTION_TO_DEFAULT_TYPE ) {
				// do not search using "#id" for two reasons.  one, the article might
				// re-use the same heading elsewhere and thus have two of the same ID.
				// two, unicode headings are escaped ("è" becomes ".C3.A8") and the dot
				// is interpreted by JQuery to indicate a child pattern unless it is
				// escaped
				var topHeading = $( 'h2 [id="' + sectionId + '"]' );
				if ( topHeading.length ) {
					insertAddListingPlaceholder( topHeading );
					var parentHeading = topHeading.closest( '' );
					insertAddListingPlaceholder( $( 'h3 .mw-headline', parentHeading ) );

			Append the "add listing" link text to a heading.
		var insertAddListingPlaceholder = function( parentHeading ) {
			var editSections = $( parentHeading ).next( '.mw-editsection' );
			if ( !editSections.length ) return;

			var isMinerva = $( '' ).length,
				bClass = addButtonSelector;
			if ( isMinerva )
				bClass = 'mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element ' + bClass;
			var addButton = buttonLink( Config.STRINGS.add,
				Config.STRINGS.addTitle, bClass, MODE_ADD );
			if ( isMinerva ) {
				// Mobile view: Minerva support
				addButton = $( '<span />' ).append( addButton );
				editSections = $( parentHeading ).next( 'span' );
				editSections.after( addButton );
			} else {
				editSections.append( '<span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[ </span>' );
				editSections.append( addButton );
				editSections.append( '<span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span>' );

		var buttonLink = function( text, title, bClass, mode ) {
			return $( '<a href="javascript:" />' )
				.addClass( bClass || '' )
				.attr( 'title', title )
				.text( text )
				.click( function() {
					initListingEditorDialog( mode, $( this ) );

			Place an "edit" link next to all existing listing tags.
		var addEditButtons = function() {
			var editButton = buttonLink( Config.STRINGS.edit,
				Config.STRINGS.editTitle, '', MODE_EDIT );
			editButton = $( '<span />' ).append( editButton );
			editButton = $( '<span class="listing-metadata-item listing-edit-button noprint"></span>' )
				.append( editButton );
			$( Config.SELECTORS.listingEditLink ).append( editButton );

			Determine whether a listing entry is within a paragraph rather than
			an entry in a list
		var isInline = function( entry ) {
			return entry.closest( 'p' ).length && entry.closest( 'span.vcard' ).length;

			Given a DOM element, find the nearest editable section (h2 or h3) that
			it is contained within.
		var findSectionHeading = function(element) {
			return element.closest( ',' );

			Given an editable heading, examine it to determine what section index
			the heading represents.  First heading is 1, second is 2, etc.
		var findSectionIndex = function( heading ) {
			if ( heading === undefined )
				return 0;

			// Vector etc. skins
			var link = heading.find('.mw-editsection a').attr('href');
			var section = (link !== undefined) ? link.split('=').pop() : 0;
			if (section > 0) return section;

			// MinervaNeue
			link = heading.find('a[data-section]');
			section = link.attr('data-section');
			if (section !== undefined) return section;

			// Mobile view: Minerva support
			link = heading.find('.section-heading a').attr('href');
			return (link !== undefined) ? link.split('=').pop() : 0;

			Given an edit link that was clicked for a listing, determine what index
			that listing is within a section.  First listing is 0, second is 1, etc.
		var findListingIndex = function(sectionHeading, clicked) {
			var count = 0;
			$(EDIT_LINK_SELECTOR, sectionHeading).each(function() {
				if ($(this)))
					return false;
			return count;

			Return the listing template type appropriate for the section that
			contains the provided DOM element (example: "see" for "See" sections,
			etc).  If no matching type is found then the default listing template
			type is returned.
		var findListingTypeForSection = function(entry) {
			var sectionType = entry.closest('').children('h2').find('.mw-headline').attr('id');
			for (var sectionId in Config.SECTION_TO_DEFAULT_TYPE)
				if (sectionType == sectionId)
					return Config.SECTION_TO_DEFAULT_TYPE[sectionId];
			return Config.TEMPLATES[ 0 ];

		var replaceSpecial = function(str) {
			return str.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&");

			Return a regular expression that can be used to find all listing
			template invocations (as configured via the TEMPLATES map)
			within a section of wikitext.  Note that the returned regex simply
			matches the start of the template ("{{listing") and not the full
			template ("{{listing|key=value|...}}").
		var getListingTypesRegex = function() {
			return new RegExp('({{\\s*(' + Config.TEMPLATES.join('|') + ')\\b)(\\s*[\\|}])','ig');

			Given a listing index, return the full wikitext for that listing
			("{{listing|key=value|...}}"). An index of 0 returns the first listing
			template invocation, 1 returns the second, etc.
		var getListingWikitextBraces = function(listingIndex) {
			sectionText = sectionText.replace(/[^\S\n]+/g,' ');
			// find the listing wikitext that matches the same index as the listing index
			var listingRegex = getListingTypesRegex();
			// look through all matches for "{{listing|see|do...}}" within the section
			// wikitext, returning the nth match, where 'n' is equal to the index of the
			// edit link that was clicked
			var listingSyntax, regexResult, listingMatchIndex;
			for (var i = 0; i <= listingIndex; i++) {
				regexResult = listingRegex.exec(sectionText);
				listingMatchIndex = regexResult.index;
				listingSyntax = regexResult[1];
			// listings may contain nested templates, so step through all section
			// text after the matched text to find MATCHING closing braces
			// the first two braces are matched by the listing regex and already
			// captured in the listingSyntax variable
			var curlyBraceCount = 2;
			var endPos = sectionText.length;
			var startPos = listingMatchIndex + listingSyntax.length;
			var matchFound = false;
			for (var j = startPos; j < endPos; j++) {
				if (sectionText[j] === '{')
				else if (sectionText[j] === '}')
				if (curlyBraceCount === 0 && (j + 1) < endPos) {
					listingSyntax = sectionText.substring(listingMatchIndex, j + 1);
					matchFound = true;
			if (!matchFound)
				listingSyntax = sectionText.substring(listingMatchIndex);
			return (listingSyntax || '').trim();

			Check if only yes or no is entered.
		var checkYesNo = function( value ) {
			var v = value.toLowerCase();
			return Config.STRINGS.yes.includes( v ) ? 'y' :
				( v ) ? 'n' : '' );

			Convert raw wiki listing syntax into a mapping of key-value pairs
			corresponding to the listing template parameters.
		var wikiTextToListing = function( listingWikiSyntax ) {
			var typeRegex = getListingTypesRegex(), comments, key;
			// convert "{{see|" to {{listing|"
			listingWikiSyntax = listingWikiSyntax
				.replace( typeRegex, '{{' + Config.TEMPLATES[ 0 ] + '$3' )
				.slice(0,-2); // remove the trailing braces
			var listingAsMap = parseListing( listingWikiSyntax );
			// replace comment placeholders by its original values
			for ( key in listingAsMap )
				listingAsMap[ key ] = restoreComments(listingAsMap[ key ], false);

			// remove comments from select list and store it
			for ( key in Config.PARAMETERS )
				if ( listingAsMap[ key ] && listingAsMap[ key ] !== ''
					&& Config.PARAMETERS[ key ].tp && Config.PARAMETERS[ key ].tp === 'select' ) {
					comments = listingAsMap[ key ].match( /<!--.*?-->/g );
					if ( comments ) {
						selectComments[ key ] = comments;
						listingAsMap[ key ] = Callbacks.removeComments( listingAsMap[ key ] );
			// convert paragraph tags to newlines
			if ( listingAsMap.description && displayBlock )
				listingAsMap.description = listingAsMap.description.replace(/\s*<p>\s*/g, '\n\n');
			// remove control characters
			for ( key in listingAsMap )
				listingAsMap[ key ] = removeCtrls( listingAsMap[ key ], key == 'description' );

			// sanitize the listing type param to match the configured values, so
			// if the listing contained "Do" it will still match the configured "do"
			if ( !listingAsMap.type )
				listingAsMap.type = '';
			for ( key of Config.TEMPLATES )
				if ( listingAsMap.type.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase() ) {
					listingAsMap.type = key;
			for ( key in listingAsMap ) {
				var c = checkYesNo( listingAsMap[ key ] );
				if ( c !== '' ) listingAsMap[ key ] = c;

			// copying parameter aliases if possible
			var arr, j, key2;
			for ( key in Config.PARAMETERS ) {
				arr = Config.PARAMETERS[ key ].aliases || [];
				for ( key2 of arr ) {
					if ( ( !listingAsMap[ key ] || listingAsMap[ key ] === '' )
						&& listingAsMap[ key2 ] ) {
						listingAsMap[ key ] = listingAsMap[ key2 ];
						delete( listingAsMap[ key2 ] );

			return listingAsMap;

			Split the raw template wikitext into an array of params. The pipe
			symbol delimits template params, but this method will also inspect the
			content to deal with nested templates or wikilinks that might contain
			pipe characters that should not be used as delimiters.

		// masking pipes in templates and wiki links by \x00
		var maskPipes = function( s ) {
			var regex1, regex2, regex3, regex4, t;
			function replacePipes( name, offset, str ) {
				return name.replace( /\|/g, '\x00' ).replace( regex2, '\x01' ).replace( regex3, '\x02' );
			function masking( str, start, end ) {
				regex1 = new RegExp( '\\' + start + '{2}[^\\' + start + '\\' + end + ']*\\' + end + '{2}', 'g' );
				regex2 = new RegExp( '\\' + start, 'g' );
				regex3 = new RegExp( '\\' + end, 'g' );
				regex4 = new RegExp( '\\' + end + '{2}$' );

				str += end + end;
				do {
					t = str;
					str = str.replace( regex1, replacePipes );
				} while ( t !== str );
				return str.replace( regex4, '' ).replace( /\x01/g, start ).replace( /\x02/g, end );
			s = masking( s, '{', '}' );
			return masking( s, '[', ']' );

		var parseListing = function( listingWikiSyntax ) {
			var listingAsMap = {};
			var str = listingWikiSyntax.replace( /[\x00-\x02]/g, '' ).slice( 2 ); // remove {{
			str = maskPipes( str );

			// splitting each parameter
			var results = str.split( '|' );
			var at, index = 1, match, name, result;
			for ( result of results ) {
				result = result.trim().replace( /\x00/g, '|' );
				match = result.match( /[^<=\{\[]*\s*=/ );
				if ( match && match[ 0 ] !== '=' ) {
					at = match[ 0 ].length;
					name = match[ 0 ].substr( 0, at - 1 )
						.replace( /[\x00-\x0F\x7F]+/g, '')
						.replace( / +/g, ' ').trim();
					listingAsMap[ name ] = result.substr( at ).trim();
				} else {
					listingAsMap[ '' + index ] = result.replace( /^=/, '' ).trim();

			return listingAsMap;

			This method is invoked when an "add" or "edit" listing button is
			clicked and will execute an Ajax request to retrieve all of the raw wiki
			syntax contained within the specified section.  This wiki text will
			later be modified via the listing editor and re-submitted as a section
		var initListingEditorDialog = function( mode, clicked ) {
			var listingType, sel;
			if ( mode === MODE_ADD )
				listingType = findListingTypeForSection( clicked );
			else {
				sel = clicked.closest( '.vcard' );
				listingType = sel.attr( 'data-type' );
				displayBlock = sel.prop( 'tagName' ) === 'DIV';
			var sectionHeading = findSectionHeading(clicked);
			var sectionIndex = findSectionIndex(sectionHeading);
			var listingIndex = (mode === MODE_ADD) ? -1 : findListingIndex(sectionHeading, clicked);
			inlineDetected = mode === MODE_EDIT && isInline( clicked );
			inlineListing = Config.OPTIONS.inlineFormat || inlineDetected;

			// Following code is jQuery 3.x compatible
				url: mw.util.wikiScript(''),
				data: { title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'), action: 'raw', section: sectionIndex },
				cache: false, // required
				timeout: 3000
			}).done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
				sectionText = data;
				openListingEditorDialog(mode, sectionIndex, listingIndex, listingType, clicked);
			}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
				alert(Config.STRINGS.ajaxInitFailure + ': ' + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown);

			This method is called asynchronously after the initListingEditorDialog()
			method has retrieved the existing wiki section content that the
			listing is being added to (and that contains the listing wiki syntax
			when editing).
		var openListingEditorDialog = function(mode, sectionNumber, listingIndex, listingType, clicked) {
			sectionText = stripComments(sectionText);
			// Not working in Minerva skin because of missing modules

			var listingAsMap = {}, listingWikiSyntax, t;
			if ( mode == MODE_ADD )
				listingAsMap.type = listingType;
			else {
				listingWikiSyntax = getListingWikitextBraces(listingIndex);
				listingAsMap = wikiTextToListing( listingWikiSyntax );
				t = listingAsMap.type;
				if ( listingType && ( !t || t === "" ) )
					listingAsMap.type = listingType;
				listingType = listingAsMap.type;
			// if a listing editor dialog is already open, get rid of it
			// wide dialogs on huge screens look terrible
			var windw = $( window );
			var dialogWidth = (windw.width() > Config.OPTIONS.MaxDialogWidth) ? Config.OPTIONS.MaxDialogWidth : 'auto';
			var form = $( createForm( mode, listingAsMap, clicked ) );
				// modal form - must submit or cancel
				modal: true,
				height: 'auto',
				width: dialogWidth,
				title: (mode == MODE_ADD) ? Config.STRINGS.addTitle : Config.STRINGS.editTitle,
				dialogClass: 'listingeditor-dialog',
				close: function() {
				buttons: [
					title: Config.STRINGS.helpTitle,
					id: 'listingeditor-help',
					click: function() {;}
					text: Config.STRINGS.submit,
					title: Config.STRINGS.submitTitle,
					click: function() {
						if ($(Config.SELECTORS.editorDelete).is(':checked')) {
							// no validation
							formToText(mode, listingWikiSyntax, listingAsMap, sectionNumber, false);
						else if (validateForm()) {
							formToText(mode, listingWikiSyntax, listingAsMap, sectionNumber, true);
					text: Config.STRINGS.preview,
					title: Config.STRINGS.previewTitle,
					id: 'listingeditor-preview-button',
					click: function() {
						startPreview( listingAsMap );
					text: Config.STRINGS.previewOff,
					title: Config.STRINGS.previewOffTitle,
					id: 'listingeditor-preview-off',
					style: 'display: none',
					click: function() {
						togglePreview( true );
					text: Config.STRINGS.refresh,
					title: Config.STRINGS.refreshTitle,
					icon: 'ui-icon-refresh',
					id: 'listingeditor-refresh',
					style: 'display: none',
					click: function() {
						refreshPreview( listingAsMap );
					text: Config.STRINGS.cancel,
					title: Config.STRINGS.cancelTitle,
					click: function() {
						if ( checkForChanges( listingAsMap ) || confirm( Config.STRINGS.cancelMessage ) ) {
				create: function() {
					$('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').append('<div class="listingeditor-license">' + Config.STRINGS.licenseText
						+ '<span class="listingeditor-version"> (' + Config.SYSTEM.version + ')</span>' + '</div>');

			var windowHeight = windw.height();
			if ( windowHeight < 720 ) {
				var fontSize = parseFloat( $( '.listingeditor-dialog' ).css( 'font-size' ) );
				$( '.listingeditor-dialog' )
					.css( 'font-size', fontSize * windowHeight / 720 );
				fontSize = parseFloat( $( '.chosen-container' ).css( 'font-size' ) );
				$( '.chosen-container' )
					.css( 'font-size', fontSize * windowHeight / 720 );

			Commented-out listings can result in the wrong listing being edited, so
			strip out any comments and replace them with placeholders that can be
			restored prior to saving changes.
		var stripComments = function( text ) {
			var regex = [ /<!--.*?-->/g, /<nowiki>.*?<\/nowiki>/gi, /<pre>.*?<\/pre>/gi ],
				comments, i, j, rep;
			for ( j = 0; j < regex.length; j++ ) {
				comments = text.match( regex[ j ] );
				if ( comments )
					for ( i = 0; i < comments.length; i++ ) {
						rep = '<<<COMMENT' + i + ';' + j + '>>>';
						text = text.replace(comments[ i ], rep);
						replacements[rep] = comments[ i ];
			return text;

			Search the text provided, and if it contains any text that was
			previously stripped out for replacement purposes, restore it.
		var restoreComments = function(text, resetReplacements) {
			for ( var key in replacements )
				text = text.replace(key, replacements[key]);
			if ( resetReplacements )
				replacements = {};
			return text;

			Logic invoked on form submit to analyze the values entered into the
			editor form and to block submission if any fatal errors are found.
		var validateForm = function() {
			var validationFailureMessages = [];
			for ( var f of Callbacks.VALIDATE_FORM_CALLBACKS )
				f( validationFailureMessages );
			if ( validationFailureMessages.length ) {
				alert( validationFailureMessages.join( '\n' ) );
				return false;
			return true;

			Convert the listing editor form entry fields into wiki text.  This
			method converts the form entry fields into a listing template string,
			replaces the original template string in the section text with the
			updated entry, and then submits the section text to be saved on the
		var getValues = function( listing ) {
			var l = $.extend( true, {}, listing );
			for ( var parameter in Config.PARAMETERS )
				l[ parameter ] = ELEMENTS[ parameter ].val();
			return l;

		var formToText = function( mode, listingWikiSyntax, listingAsMap, sectionNumber, withCallbacks ) {
			var listing = getValues( listingAsMap );
			if ( withCallbacks )
				for ( var f of Callbacks.SUBMIT_FORM_CALLBACKS )
					f( listing, mode );
			var text = listingToStr( listing );
			var summary = editSummarySection();
			var name =;
			if ( !== '' )
				name =;
			if ( mode == MODE_ADD )
				summary = updateSectionTextWithAddedListing( summary, text, listing, name );
				summary = updateSectionTextWithEditedListing( summary, text, listingWikiSyntax, name );
			if ( $(Config.SELECTORS.editorSummary).val() !== '' )
				summary += ' – ' + $(Config.SELECTORS.editorSummary).val();
			var minor = $(Config.SELECTORS.editorMinorEdit).is(':checked') ? true : false;
			saveForm(summary, minor, sectionNumber, '', '');

		var showPreview = function( listingAsMap ) {
			var text = listingToStr( getValues( listingAsMap ) );
			$( '#listingeditor-preview-syntax' ).text( text );

			$.ajax ({
				url: mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/api.php?' + $.param({
					action: 'parse',
					prop: 'text',
					contentmodel: 'wikitext',
					format: 'json',
					'text': text,
				error: function( jqXHR, txt ) {
					$( '#listingeditor-preview' ).hide();
				success: function( data ) {
					$( '#listingeditor-preview-text' ).html( data.parse.text[ '*' ] );

		var togglePreview = function( visible ) {
			$( '#listingeditor-preview' ).toggle( !visible );
			$( '#listingeditor-refresh' ).toggle( !visible );
			$( '#listingeditor-preview-off' ).toggle( !visible );
			$( '#listingeditor-preview-button' ).toggle( visible );

		var startPreview = function( listingAsMap ) {
			var visible = $( '#listingeditor-preview' ).is( ':visible' );
			togglePreview( visible );
			if ( !visible )
				showPreview( listingAsMap );
		var refreshPreview = function( listingAsMap ) {
			if ( $( '#listingeditor-preview' ).is( ':visible' ) )
				showPreview( listingAsMap );

			For cancel button: check if any changes were made for warning msg.
		var checkForChanges = function( listingAsMap ) {
			var noChanges = true, i, p, val;
			for ( var parameter in Config.PARAMETERS ) {
				p = listingAsMap[ parameter ];
				val = ELEMENTS[ parameter ].val();
				if ( typeof( val ) === 'string' ) {
					if ( val !== ( p || '' ) ) {
						noChanges = false; break;
				} else { // multiple select
					p = p || [];
					if ( val.length !== p.length ) {
						noChanges = false; break;
					for ( i = 0; i < val.length; i++ )
						if ( !p.includes( val[ i ] ) ) {
							noChanges = false; break;
			return noChanges;

			Begin building the edit summary by trying to find the section name.
		var editSummarySection = function() {
			var sectionName = getSectionName();
			return ( sectionName.length ) ? '/* ' + sectionName + ' */ ' : '';

		var getSectionName = function() {
			var HEADING_REGEX = /^=+\s*([^=]+)\s*=+\s*\n/;
			var result = HEADING_REGEX.exec(sectionText);
			return ( result !== null ) ? result[ 1 ].trim() : '';

			After the listing has been converted to a string, add additional
			processing required for adds (as opposed to edits), returning an
			appropriate edit summary string.
		var updateSectionTextWithAddedListing = function( originalEditSummary, listingWikiText, listing, name ) {
			var summary = originalEditSummary + mw.format( Config.STRINGS.added, name );
			// add the new listing to the end of the section.  if there are
			// sub-sections, add it prior to the start of the sub-sections.
			var index = sectionText.indexOf('===');
			if (index === 0)
				index = sectionText.indexOf('====');
			if (index > 0)
				sectionText = sectionText.substr(0, index) + '* ' + listingWikiText
					+ '\n' + sectionText.substr(index);
				sectionText += '\n'+ '* ' + listingWikiText;

			sectionText = restoreComments( sectionText, true );
			return summary;

			After the listing has been converted to a string, add additional
			processing required for edits (as opposed to adds), returning an
			appropriate edit summary string.
		var updateSectionTextWithEditedListing = function( originalEditSummary, listingWikiText, listingWikiSyntax, name ) {
			var summary = originalEditSummary;

			// '$&' like in '$&nbsp;' will be misinterpreted in regex replacements
			listingWikiSyntax = listingWikiSyntax.replace( /\$&/ig, '&#36;&');
			sectionText = sectionText.replace( /\$&/ig, '&#36;&');
			listingWikiText = listingWikiText.replace( /\$&/ig, '&#36;&');

			if ( $( Config.SELECTORS.editorDelete ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
				summary += mw.format( Config.STRINGS.removed, name );
				var listRegex = new RegExp('(\\n+[\\:\\*\\#]*)?\\s*' + replaceSpecial( listingWikiSyntax ));
				sectionText = sectionText.replace( listRegex, '' );
			} else {
				summary += mw.format( Config.STRINGS.updated, name );
				sectionText = sectionText.replace( listingWikiSyntax, listingWikiText );
			sectionText = restoreComments(sectionText, true).replace( /&#36;/ig, '$$' ); // restore $
			return summary;

			Render a dialog that notifies the user that the listing editor is
			loaded or changes are being saved.
		var closeForm = function(selector) {
			if ( $(selector).length )

		var progressForm = function(selector, text) {
			// if a progress dialog is already open, get rid of it
			var progress = $('<div id="' + selector.replace( '#', '' ) + '">' + text + '</div>');
				modal: true,
				height: 110,
				width: 300,
				title: ''

			Execute the logic to post listing editor changes to the server so that
			they are saved.  After saving the page is refreshed to show the updated
		var saveForm = function(summary, minor, sectionNumber, cid, answer) {
			var editPayload = {
				action: 'edit',
				title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
				section: sectionNumber,
				text: sectionText,
				summary: summary,
				captchaid: cid,
				captchaword: answer
			if ( minor )
				editPayload.minor = 'true';
			).done(function(data, jqXHR) {
				if (data && data.edit && data.edit.result == 'Success') {
					// since the listing editor can be used on diff pages, redirect
					// to the canonical URL if it is different from the current URL
					var canonicalUrl = $("link[rel='canonical']").attr("href");
					var currentUrlWithoutHash = window.location.href.replace(window.location.hash, "");
					if (canonicalUrl && currentUrlWithoutHash != canonicalUrl) {
						var sectionName = mw.util.escapeIdForLink(getSectionName());
						if (sectionName.length)
							canonicalUrl += "#" + sectionName;
						window.location.href = canonicalUrl;
					} else
				} else if (data && data.error) {
					saveFailed(Config.STRINGS.submitApiError + ' "' + data.error.code + '": ' + );
				} else if (data && data.edit.spamblacklist) {
					saveFailed(Config.STRINGS.submitBlacklistError + ': ' + data.edit.spamblacklist );
				} else if (data && data.edit.captcha) {
					captchaDialog(summary, minor, sectionNumber, data.edit.captcha.url,;
				} else
			}).fail(function(code, result) {
				if (code === "http")
					saveFailed(Config.STRINGS.submitHttpError + ': ' + result.textStatus );
				else if (code === "ok-but-empty") {
				} else
					saveFailed(Config.STRINGS.submitUnknownError + ': ' + code );

			If an error occurs while saving the form, remove the "saving" dialog,
			restore the original listing editor form (with all user content), and
			display an alert with a failure message.
		var saveFailed = function(msg) {

			If the result of an attempt to save the listing editor content is a
			Captcha challenge then display a form to allow the user to respond to
			the challenge and resubmit.
		var captchaDialog = function(summary, minor, sectionNumber, captchaImgSrc, captchaId) {
			// if a captcha dialog is already open, get rid of it
			var captcha = $('<div id="captcha-dialog">').text(Config.STRINGS.externalLinks);
			var image = $('<img class="fancycaptcha-image">')
				.attr('src', captchaImgSrc)
			var label = $('<label for="input-captcha">').text(Config.STRINGS.enterCaptcha).appendTo(captcha);
			var input = $('<input id="input-captcha" type="text">').appendTo(captcha);
				modal: true,
				title: Config.STRINGS.enterCaptcha,
				buttons: [
						text: Config.STRINGS.submit, click: function() {
							saveForm(summary, minor, sectionNumber, captchaId, $('#input-captcha').val());
						text: Config.STRINGS.cancel, click: function() {

		// remove controls and illegeal chars
		var removeCtrls = function( str, isContent ) {
			str = str.trim();
			if ( str === '' ) return '';
			if ( displayBlock && isContent ) {
				// remove controls from tags at first
				str = str.replace( /(<[^>]+>)/g, function( name, offset, str ) {
					return name.replace( /[\x00-\x0F\x7F]/g, ' ' );
				str = str.replace( /[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E\x0F\x7F]/g, ' ' );
			} else
				str = str.replace( /(<\/?br[^%/>]*\/*>|<\/?p[^%/>]*\/*>)/g, ' ' )
					.replace( /[\x00-\x0F\x7F]/g, ' ' );
			return str.trim().replace( / {2,}/g, ' ' );

			Convert the listing map back to a wiki text string.
		var sortSubtypes = function( s ) {
			return s.sort( function( a, b ) {
				var aa = a.replace( /:.*$/g, '' );
				var bb = b.replace( /:.*$/g, '' );
				if ( Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ aa ] && Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ bb ] ) {
					if ( Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ aa ].g < Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ bb ].g )
						return -1;
					if ( Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ aa ].g > Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeList[ bb ].g )
						return 1;
				return aa.localeCompare( bb );

		var getAlias = function( value, aliases ) {
			for ( var key in aliases )
				if ( aliases[ key ] === value ) {
					value = key;
			return value;

		var listingToStr = function( listing ) {
			var arr, i, l, par, keepIt;

			// values cleanup
			for ( var parameter in listing ) {
				l = listing[ parameter ];
				if ( typeof l == 'object' )
					for ( i = l.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
						if ( !l[ i ] || l[ i ] === '' )
							l.splice( i, 1 );
				else {
					l = removeCtrls( l, parameter == 'description' )
						.replace( / {2,}/g, ' ' );
					l = maskPipes( l ).replace( /\|/g, '{{!}}' ).replace( /\x00/g, '|' );
					// handle punctuation marks
					if ( Config.OPTIONS.withoutPunctuation.includes( parameter ) )
						l = l.replace( /[.,;!?]+$/, '' );
					if ( parameter === 'description' && l !== '' && !l.match( /[.!?]$/ ) )
						l = l + '.';
				listing[ parameter ] = l;

			var saveStr = '{{' + Config.TEMPLATES[ 0 ] + ' ';
			for ( parameter in Config.PARAMETERS ) {
				// recognized parameters only
				keepIt = Config.PARAMETERS[ parameter ].keepIt
					|| Config.OPTIONS.keepItDefault;
				l = listing[ parameter ];

				switch( parameter ) {
					case 'type':
						if ( firstType !== '' )
							for ( i = 0; i < l.length; i++ )
								if ( l[ i ] == firstType ) {
									l.splice( i, 1 );
									l.unshift( firstType );
						if ( Config.OPTIONS.CopyToTypeAliases )
							for ( i = 0; i < l.length; i++ )
								l[ i ] = getAlias( l[ i ], Config.MODULE_TABLES.typeAliases );
						l = l.join( ', ' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' );
					case 'group':
						if ( Config.OPTIONS.CopyToTypeAliases )
							l = getAlias( l, Config.MODULE_TABLES.groupAliases );
					case 'subtype':
						// sorting subtypes by groups
						l = sortSubtypes( l );
						if ( Config.OPTIONS.CopyToTypeAliases )
							for ( i = 0; i < l.length; i++ )
								l[ i ] = getAlias( l[ i ], Config.MODULE_TABLES.subtypeAliases );
						l = l.join( ', ' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' );
					case 'show':
						l = checkShowOptions( l );
						l = l.join( ', ' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' );

				if ( selectComments[ parameter ] )
					l = l + selectComments[ parameter ].join( '' );
				par = parameter;
				arr = Config.PARAMETERS[ par ].aliases || [];

				// renaming parameter
				if (Config.OPTIONS.CopyToAliases && arr[0] && !listing[ arr[0] ])
					par = arr[0];
				if ( l !== '' || keepIt )
					saveStr += '| ' + par + ' = ' + l;
				if ( !saveStr.match( /\n$/ ) ) {
					saveStr = saveStr.replace(/\s+$/, '');
					saveStr += ( !inlineListing && Config.PARAMETERS[parameter].newline )
						? '\n' : ' ';
			if ( Config.OPTIONS.AllowUnrecognizedParameters )
				// append any unexpected values
				for ( parameter in listing )
					if ( !Config.PARAMETERS[ parameter ] && listing[ parameter ] !== '' )
						saveStr += '| ' + parameter + ' = ' + listing[ parameter ]
							+ ( inlineListing ) ? ' ' : '\n';

			return inlineDetected ? saveStr.replace( /\s+$/, ' }}' ) : saveStr.replace( /\s+$/, '\n}}' );

			Called on DOM ready, this method initializes the listing editor and
			adds the "add/edit listing" links to sections and existing listings.
		var init = function() {
			if ( getContentSelector === '' ) return;
			$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:ListingEditor.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css">');

		// expose public members
		return {
			checkYesNo: checkYesNo,
			firstType: firstType,
			init: init,
			initListingEditorDialog: initListingEditorDialog,
			sortSubtypes: sortSubtypes

	$( Core.init );

	return {
		initListingEditorDialog: Core.initListingEditorDialog

} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
