Benutzer:(WV-de) Luke Westwalker/myskin.css

Aus Wikivoyage

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** MediaWiki 'monobook' style sheet for CSS2-capable browsers. Copyright Gabriel Wicke - License: GPL (
** Loosely based on by Big John and the Plone 2.0 styles, see (Alexander Limi,Joe Geldart & Tom Croucher, Michael Zeltner and Geir B\E6kholt) All you guys rock :)
@import "";
@import "";
#p-cactions li, #p-cactions li a, #p-personal li a:hover, #p-cactions li a:hover, #p-cactions li.selected a, code, #catlinks,, td{background-color:#000000}
body, .pselected, li a.selected, pre, h1, h5, #content, #footer, #toc, .toc, .pBody, table {background:#000; color:#999}
.pBody, #content, #p-cactions li.selected {border-color:#666}
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {color:#9595a0}
#p-cactions li a {color:#4969b0}

#p-logo a, #p-logo a:hover{height: 84px;background-color:#113}
#column-one {padding-top: 80px;}

/*footer shrink*/
#viewcount, #copyright, #privacy, #about, #disclaimer {display:none}
/*diff display*/
.diff {background-color:black !important;} 
.diff-otitle, .diff-ntitle, .diff-lineno {color:#999999 !important;background-color:black !important;}
.diff-context {background:#1a1a24 !important;color:#999999 !important;}
.diffchange {color:#ff6666; !important;font-weight:bold !important;}
.diff-addedline {background:#114411 !important;color:#999999 !important;font-size:100% !important;}    
.diff-deletedline {background:#441111 !important; color:#999999 !important; font-size:100% !important;}
.detail {background:#000 !important;color:#999;border:0px !important;}
/*edit page*/
#wpTextbox1, #wpSummary{background-color:#000000;border-color:#6670cc;color:#9999aa; font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px}
#editpage-copywarn {display:none}
/*kolory przycisków search i edit*/
input.searchButton, #wpSave, #wpPreview, #wpDiff {color:#2a2a44;background-color:#6670cc; border:none;}
/*boxy nav i tool*/
.pBody {background: #000010}
.pBody a:link {color:#46b}
.pBody a:visited {color:#46b}
/*blue stroke to borders*/
.pBody, #content, #p-cactions li.selected, #footer, h1 {border-color:#669}
/*links of top-personal-toolbar*/
#p-personal li a {color: #8888cc}
#p-personal li a:hover {color: #ccccff;}
/*nav boxes links colors*/
#p-cactions li a {color: #77c;}
#p-cactions li a:hover {color: #ccccff;}
/*in text links colors*/
a {color: #8899c0}
a:visited {color: #6680aa}

/*images thumbs*/
div.thumbinner {background-color:#000}
div.thumb, td{border-color:#000}
/*stylesheets no disco*/
.source-css .kw1, .source-css .re1, .source-css .br0, .source-css .re0, .source-css .re2  {color: #999 !important}

/*Chapters colors override*/
/*table div{background:#000 !important;color:#999 !important;border-width:2px !important}*/

div #shared-image-desc th, body.ns-6 table.toc th{background-color:#080022 !important;color:#666 !important}

ul#filetoc {border-width:0px;background:#000}