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/**	initListingTools v1.0, 2023-02-26
	Initialization of listing editor and listing info
	Original author: Roland Unger
	Support of desktop and mobile views
	License: GPL-2.0+, CC-by-sa 3.0

( function( $, mw ) {
	'use strict';

	var initListingTools = function() {

		// scripts' page names
		var scripts = {
			listingEditor: 'MediaWiki:Gadget-ListingEditor.js'

		// allowed namespaces for Listing Editor
		var allowedNamespaces = [
			0, // Main
			2, // User

		// options for module import
		var options = [
				page: 'Module:Marker utilities/Types', // name of module to import
				index: 'type',                         // name of key field
				start: /^.*types *= *{/g,              // to remove from start
				end: /,? *},? *} *$/g,                 // to remove at the end
				label: 'label',                        // second sort key
				alias: 'alias',                        // alias for index
				arrayName: 'types',                    // name of the new array
				defaultArray: [
					{ 'type': 'area', group: 'area', label: 'Gebiet' },
					{ 'type': 'buy', group: 'buy', label: 'Einkaufen' },
					{ 'type': 'do', group: 'do', label: 'Aktivität' },
					{ 'type': 'drink', group: 'drink', label: 'Trinken' },
					{ 'type': 'eat', group: 'eat', label: 'Küche, Essen' },
					{ 'type': 'go', group: 'go', label: 'Anreise' },
					{ 'type': 'other', group: 'other', label: 'Anderes' },
					{ 'type': 'populated', group: 'populated', label: 'Besiedeltes Gebiet' },
					{ 'type': 'see', group: 'see', label: 'Sehenswürdigkeit' },
					{ 'type': 'sleep', group: 'sleep', label: 'Unterkunft' },
					{ 'type': 'view', group: 'view', label: 'Aussicht' },
				page: 'Module:Marker utilities/Groups',
				index: 'group',
				start: /^.*groups *= *{/g,
				end: /,? *},? *} *$/g,
				label: 'label',
				alias: 'alias',
				arrayName: 'groups',
				defaultArray: [
					{ group: 'area', label: 'Gebiet', color: '#0000FF' },
					{ group: 'buy', label: 'Einkaufen', color: '#008080' },
					{ group: 'do', label: 'Aktivität', color: '#808080' },
					{ group: 'drink', label: 'Trinken', color: '#000000' },
					{ group: 'eat', label: 'Essen', color: '#D2691E' },
					{ group: 'go', label: 'Anreise', color: '#A52A2A' },
					{ group: 'other', label: 'Anderes', color: '#228B22' },
					{ group: 'populated', label: 'Besiedeltes Gebiet', color: '#0000FF' },
					{ group: 'see', label: 'Sehenswürdigkeit', color: '#4682B4' },
					{ group: 'sleep', label: 'Unterkunft', color: '#000080' },
					{ group: 'view', label: 'Aussicht', color: '#4169E1' },
				page: 'Module:VCard/Subtypes',
				index: 'type',
				start: /^.* f *= *{/g,
				end: /,? *} *, *g *=.*$/g,
				sortKey: 'sortkey', // first sort key
				label: 'n',         // second sort key
				arrayName: 'subtypes',
				defaultArray: [
					{ 'type': 'budget',   g: 1, w: '', n: '', f: '' },
					{ 'type': 'midrange', g: 1, w: '', n: '', f: '' },
					{ 'type': 'upmarket', g: 1, w: '', n: '', f: '' },
				page: 'Module:VCard/Cards',
				index: '',                  // only import, no rearranging
				start: /^.*cards *= *{/g,
				end: /,? *},? *} *$/g,
				arrayName: 'payments',
				defaultArray: {}
				page: 'Module:Hours/i18n',
				index: '',
				start: /^.*dateIds *= *{/g,
				end: /,? *},? *} *$/g,
				arrayName: 'hours',
				defaultArray: {}
				page: 'Module:VCard/Qualifiers',
				index: '',
				start: /^.*labels *= *{/g,
				end: /,? *},? *} *$/g,
				arrayName: 'qualifiers',
				defaultArray: {}
				page: 'Module:CountryData/Currencies',
				index: '',
				start: /^.*currencies *= *{/g,
				end: /,? *} *, *isoToQid *=.*$/g,
				arrayName: 'currencies',
				defaultArray: {}
		// data: data array from module
		// item: single item from options array
		// isDefault: data are defaults from options array
		var analyzeAndCopyData = function( data, item, isDefault ) {
			var i, dataItem;

			// adding missing label from index
			for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
				dataItem = data[ i ];
				dataItem[ item.label ] = dataItem[ item.label ] || '';
				if ( dataItem[ item.label ] === '' ) {
					if ( typeof dataItem[ item.alias ] === 'undefined' )
						dataItem[ item.label ] = dataItem[ item.index ].replace( /_/g, ' ' );
						if ( typeof( dataItem[ item.alias ] ) === 'string' )
							dataItem[ item.label ] = dataItem[ item.alias ].replace( /_/g, ' ' );
						else if ( dataItem[ item.alias ][ 0 ] )
							dataItem[ item.label ] = dataItem[ item.alias ][ 0 ].replace( /_/g, ' ' );
			// sorting by label in alphabetic order
			data.sort( function( a, b ) {
				if ( item.sortKey ) {
					a = a[ item.sortKey ] || a[ item.label ];
					b = b[ item.sortKey ] || b[ item.label ];
				} else {
					a = a[ item.label ];
					b = b[ item.label ];
				return a.localeCompare( b );
			} );

			// copying
			if ( isDefault ) {
				// copy only if window.ListingEditor.array is empty
				if ( typeof window.ListingEditor[ item.arrayName ] === 'undefined' ||
					window.ListingEditor[ item.arrayName ].length < 1 ) {
					window.ListingEditor[ item.arrayName ] = [].concat( data );
			} else {
				window.ListingEditor[ item.arrayName ] = [].concat( data );

		// item: item from options array
		var getDataFromSingleModule = function( item ) {
			return $.ajax( {
				type: 'GET',
				url: mw.util.wikiScript( '' ),
				data: { title:, action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' },
				timeout: 3000,
				dataType: 'text'
			} ).done( function( data ) {
				data = data.replace( /\-\-.*\n/g, '' )      // remove comments
					.replace( /[\s+\t+]/gm, ' ' );          // remove line breaks and tabs

				if ( item.index !== '' )
					// convert to (sortable) array
					data = data.replace( item.start, '[' )  // delete beginning
						.replace( item.end, ']' )           // delete end
						.replace( /([,{]) *(wd|alias) *= *\{([^}]*)\}/g, '$1 "$2": [$3]' )
						.replace( /( *\[ *")([\w\-]+)(" *\] *= *\{)/g, '{ "' + item.index + '": "$2", ' )
						.replace( /( *)([\w\-]+)( *= *\{)/g, '{ "' + item.index + '": "$2", ' )
						.replace( /(, *)([\w\-]+)( *=)/g, ', "$2":' );
					// keep as object
					data = data.replace( item.start, '{' )  // delete beginning
						.replace( item.end, '}' )           // delete end
						.replace( /( *\[ *")([\w\-]+)(" *\] *= *)/g, '"$2":' )
						.replace( /([,\{]) *([\w\-]+)( *=)/g, '$1 "$2":' );

				// check if data string is valid JSON
				var isDefault = false, json;
				try {
					json = JSON.parse( data );
				} catch ( e ) {
					// invalid JSON
					json = item.defaultArray;
					isDefault = true;
					var pos = e.message.match( /column (\d+) of/i )[ 1 ];
					pos = data.substring( pos - 10, pos + 10 );
					console.log( e.message + ', data: ' + + ', text: ' + pos );
				if ( item.index !== '' )
					analyzeAndCopyData( json, item, isDefault );
					window.ListingEditor[ item.arrayName ] = json;
			} ).fail( function() {
				var json = item.defaultArray;
				if ( item.index !== '' )
					analyzeAndCopyData( json, item, true );
					window.ListingEditor[ item.arrayName ] = json;
			} );

		var loadEditor = function() {
			mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'jquery.ui', 'jquery.chosen' ] ).then( function() {
				mw.loader.load( '/w/index.php?title=' + scripts.listingEditor + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

		var getDataFromModules = function() {
			var promiseArray = [], i;

			// mw already exists but maybe not the ListingEditor object
			if ( typeof window.ListingEditor === 'undefined' )
				window.ListingEditor = {};

			for ( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ )
				promiseArray.push( getDataFromSingleModule( options[ i ] ) );

			// wait for getting all external data
			var isIE11 = !!window.MSInputMethodContext && !!document.documentMode;
			if ( isIE11 )
				$.when.apply( $, promiseArray ).then( function() {
				} );
				if ( typeof Promise !== 'undefined' )
					Promise.all( promiseArray )
						.then( function() {
						} )
						.catch( function() {
							// error warning
						} );

		// *********************************************************************
		// getting JSON object from Wikidata search
		var ajaxSearch = function( url, data, success ) {
			data.format = 'json';
			$.ajax( {
				url: url,
				data: data,
				dataType: 'jsonp',
				success: success,
				cache: false, // it will force requested pages not to be cached by
				              // the browser in case of script and jsonp data types
				timeout: 3000
			} );

		// parse jsonObj for suboject with index id
		var parseJsonEntitiesObj = function( jsonObj, id ) {
			if ( !jsonObj || !jsonObj.entities || !jsonObj.entities[ id ] )
				return null;
				return jsonObj.entities[ id ];

		// getting first value of a set of Wikidata statements
		var getWikidataValue = function( jsonObj, id, property ) {
			var entity = parseJsonEntitiesObj( jsonObj, id );
			if ( !entity || ! || ![ property ] )
				return null;

			var statements =[ property ];
			if ( !statements || statements.length < 1 || !statements[ 0 ].mainsnak ||
				!statements[ 0 ].mainsnak.datavalue )
				return null;
				return statements[ 0 ].mainsnak.datavalue.value;

		// *********************************************************************
		/**	Return false if the current page should not enable the listing editor.
			Examples where the listing editor should not be enabled include talk
			pages, edit pages, history pages, etc.
		var checkIfAllowed = function() {
			var namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
			if ( !allowedNamespaces.includes( namespace ) ||
				mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) != 'view' || $( '#mw-revision-info' ).length ||
				mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' ) != mw.config.get( 'wgRevisionId' ) ||
				!mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageIsProbablyEditable' ) ||
				$( '#ca-viewsource' ).length )
				return false;
				return true;

		// adding currency, country calling code and local calling code to
		// body-tag data attributes for use in listing editor
		var addDataToBodyTag = function() {
			var body = $( 'body' ),
				data, i, id, success, url, value;

			// copying data-currency data-country-calling-code, etc. from
			// indicator or listings to body tag for use in listing editor
			var dataTags = $( '.voy-coord-indicator' );
			if ( !dataTags.length || dataTags.attr( 'data-country' ) === undefined )
				dataTags = $( '.vCard' );
			var list = [ 'data-currency', 'data-country-calling-code', 'data-lang', 'data-lang-name', 'data-dir', 'data-trunk-prefix' ];
			for ( i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
				data = dataTags.attr( list [ i ] ) || '';
				if ( data !== '' )
					body.attr( list [ i ], data );

			// copying local calling code from Wikidata to body tag
			// if Wikidata id exists
			id = mw.config.get( 'wgWikibaseItemId' );
			if ( id ) {
				url = '//' + '/w/api.php';
				data = {
					action: 'wbgetentities',
					ids: id,
					languages: mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentLanguage' ),
				success = function( jsonObj ) {
					value = getWikidataValue( jsonObj, id, 'P473' );
					if ( value )
						body.attr( 'data-local-calling-code', value );
				ajaxSearch( url, data, success );			
		var initEditor = function() {
			var suppressLE = ( window.suppressListingEditor ) ?
				window.suppressListingEditor : false;
    		if ( !suppressLE )

		var init = function() {
			if ( checkIfAllowed() ) {

		return { init: init };
	} ();

	$( initListingTools.init );

} ( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );
// </nowiki>